This site was created by Larry Shively who is researching the history of the Shively families. The goal is to have a site where all Shively researchers can share and ask questions in regards to their Shively lines. The largest majority of the Shively family records are located in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. There are early records of Shively's also in Virginia and Kentucky. There are not many established Shively lineages back to Europe. There are documented lineages to Switzerland and Germany. Through the sharing of information from all of our research it is desired that all can learn about our Shively families.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Day Wedding In 1934

Lyle Joseph Shively and Edna Mary Steintrager were married on Thanksgiving day on 29-November-1934.  A record of the wedding was extracted from The Canton Repository, Canton, Ohio, Friday November 30, 1934, Page 14, Columns 3-4:
Miss Steintrager, Mr. Shively Wed Thanksgiving Day
Ceremony In St. Peter’s Church With Reception Afterwards
The marriage of Miss Edna Steintrager, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore A. Steintrager of 1413 8th St NW and Mr. Lyle J. Shively, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Shively of 900 Maryland Ave SW, took place Thanksgiving day at 10 o’clock in the morning.  There was a nuptial high mass in St. Peter’s Catholic church, Rt. Rev. Msgr. George N. Habig officiated.
Mr. Edward J. Betzler, organist, played the nuptial music and the mass.
The bride was given in marriage by her father.  She wore a lovely bridal gown of old ivory moiré with a long train of graduated ruffles, a yoke and long sleeves ending in ruffles over her hands.  Her veil was of ivory tulle and was held in place with a band of orange blossoms.  She carried a Colonial shower bouquet of Johanna Hill roses, sweet peas and lilies of the valley.
Miss Pearl Steintrager was her sister’s bridesmaid.  She was charming in a gown of ashes-of-roses taffeta made with a short train of ruffles and ruffled trimming on the bodice.  Her accessories matched her gown and her flowers were Talisman roses in a Colonial bouquet.
Nancy Jane Keffler, cousin of the bridegroom was flower girl.  Attired in a ruffled yellow taffeta frock made with a yoke of Irish lace, she carried a Colonial bouquet of mixed flowers.
Mr. Donald L. Betzler was the best man.  Mr. Paul V. DeVille and Mr. Leonard A. Betzler were the ushers.
Immediately following the ceremony there was a wedding breakfast for the members of the immediate families at University Manor.  Decorations were in yellow and white.  The bridal table was arranged with a tiered wedding cake, yellow flowers and greens.  Lighted tapers were at either end.
In the afternoon from one to three an informal reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents.
Later in the day, Mr. Shively and his bride left on a motor trop.  They will be home after Dec. 9.  For her going-away costume the bride chose a brown swagger suit with matching accessories.

Lyle J. Shively was the son of Frank J. Shively and Almeda Manly.  He was born 15-March-1905 in Ohio and died 7-February-1973 in Los Angeles, California.  His wife, Edna Steintrager Shively, was born 25-September-1911 and died 19-August-1990 in Newport Beach, California.
Frank J. Shively (1860-1936) and Almeda Manly (1871-1941) are located in the following census records:  1900 Stark County Ohio, Nimishillen Township, Louisville Village; 1910 Stark County Ohio, Canton Township, Canton City; 1920 Stark County Ohio, Canton Township, City of Canton; and 1930 Stark County Ohio, Canton Township, Canton City.   From the census records it is known that Frank and Almeda had the following children:  Marie born December 1890, Charles born February 1893, Zoe born ca. 1901, and Lyle born March 1905.
Frank J. Shively was the son of Samuel Shively and Eugenia “Jennie” Vauthier.  Children of Samuel (ca 1821-1881) and Eugenia (June 1830- unknown) included:  Mary E. born ca 1847; Frances born 29-January-1852; Hannah born ca. 1855; Eugenia “Jennie” born 28-March-1857; Seraphine (Frank J.) born 3-May-1860; and Dora born 15-October-1861.
Samuel was the son of Conrad Shively and Mary Moyer.  Conrad Shively was the son of John Shively and Eve (last name unknown).  John Shively was captured by Indians in 1781 and never heard from again.  This information is located in the Arthur G. Black work entitled Descendants of Christian Shively of Warwick Twp., Lancaster Co. and Later York Twp., York Co., Penna., (1941).  John Shively (1748-1781) was the son of Christian Shively (1719-1773) and Esther Naffin.  

Saturday, November 19, 2011

John B. Shively, Son Of William Thomas Shively And Theresa Hayden

John B. Shively, son of William Thomas Shively and Theresa Hayden,  was born 1-May-1865 in Kentucky and died 2-February-1904 in Texas.  Finding genealogy information is difficult for John because he died at age 39.

Located in the Texas marriage records it is found that J. B. Shively married W. C. Fullington on 29-April-1896 in Grayson County, Texas.   Located in The Dallas Morning News, Saturday, May 2, 1896, Page 3, Column 4 is the following entry:
Shively-Fullington -- Denison, Tex., April 30--John B. Shively of Jonesboro, Ark., was married to Miss Clyde Fullington at 8:30 last night.

Additional information on John B. Shively is found in the biography of his father, William Shively, in The History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa From The Earliest Times To 1907, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, 1907:
John B. Shively, born in Taylor county, Kentucky, May 1, 1865, acquired a public school education and married Clyde Fullington at Denison, Texas.  He died February 2, 1904, and his wife in 1905, leaving two children, Gladys and Brent.  John B. Shively in his active business career was a conductor and he belonged to the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, while his wife was connected with the auxiliary of the latter order.

A newspaper obituary was found for John B. Shively.  The article has the middle initial incorrect and this obituary lists him as John C Shively.  Located in The San Antonio Daily Express, Wednesday Morning, February 22, 1905, Page 5, Column 2 is:
John C. Shively
John C Shively, aged 39 years, died Tuesday morning at his home, 101 Denver Boulevard, South Heights, of pulmonary trouble.  Deceased was a native of Kentucky and came here for his health six months ago from Waco.  He was a railroad brakeman by occupation and belonged to the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen and the Ancient Order of United Workmen.  Surviving him are his wife, one son and one daughter, also his parents who reside in O'Neill, Neb., and five brothers and three sisters.  Two of his sisters are now here, Mrs. S. A. Anderson and Mrs. F. G. Loper,, both of Council Bluffs, Iowa.  The funeral will take place Tuesday morning from his late home under the auspices of the above orders, Rev. Mr. Killian officiating.

Gladys and Brent Shively are listed with their uncle and aunt, Frederick Loper and Bertha Shively Loper, on the 1910 Pottawattamie County, Iowa census.  Gladys and Brent are also found in the 1915 Pottawattamie County, Iowa state census records.