This site was created by Larry Shively who is researching the history of the Shively families. The goal is to have a site where all Shively researchers can share and ask questions in regards to their Shively lines. The largest majority of the Shively family records are located in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. There are early records of Shively's also in Virginia and Kentucky. There are not many established Shively lineages back to Europe. There are documented lineages to Switzerland and Germany. Through the sharing of information from all of our research it is desired that all can learn about our Shively families.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Aaron Burr Shively, Christian C. Shively And Katherine Shively Who Lived In St. Joseph County, Indiana And Cass County, Michigan

Aaron Burr Shively, Christopher C. Shively and Katherine Shively were brothers and sister to Benjamin Franklin Shively.  Benjamin Franklin Shively served in the United States House of Representatives from 1884-1885 and1887-1893. He also served as a Senator from Indiana from 1909-1916. They were the children of Joel Shively who was born on 8-Oct-1826 in Stark County, OH and died on 5-Mar-1898 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, IN and Elizabeth Penrod who was born on 29-Aug-1829 in Berlin, Somerset County, PA and died on 1-Dec-1901 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, IN. Joel and Elizabeth are buried in Osceola Cemetery, Elkhart, Elkhart County, IN. Joel Shively was the son of George Shively (1796-1879) and Elizabeth Snider (1800-1872).

Aaron Burr Shively was born on 28-Jan-1859 and died on 28-Nov-1931 in Dowagiac, Cass County, MI. Christian C. Shively was born on 16-Jul-1860 in St. Joseph County, IN and died on 3-May-1945 in Cassopolis, Cass County, MI. Katherine Shively was born on 11-Feb-1864 in Osceola, St. Joseph County, IN and died on 14-Jan-1928 in St. Joseph County, IN. 

Listed on the 1880 Penn Township, St. Joseph County, IN census is the family of Joel Shively age 53, wife Elizabeth age 50, daughter Rebecca J. age 25, son Franklin age 23, son Aaron age 21, son Christian age 19 and daughter Kittie age 15. On the 1900 Precinct One of Ward Seven, South Bend City, St. Joseph County, IN census is Elizabeth Shively born Aug-1829 age 70, son Christian C. born Jul-1861 age 38, Catherine  born Feb-1864 age 36 and servant Lizzie Culp born Mar-1878 age 22. In 1900 Aaron Shively is listed on the Portage Township, South Bend City, St. Joseph County, IN census in the household of William Deafer as a Lodger born Jan-1859 age 41 occupation traveling salesman. On the 1910 Portage Township, South Bend City, St. Joseph County, IN census is the household of Christopher C. Shively age 49 occupation Contractor-concrete work, sister Catherine age 46 and brother Aaron B. age 51 occupation Agent-real estate. On the 1920 Portage Township, South Bend City, St. Joseph County, IN  census are Christopher C. Shively age 59 and sister Catherine age 56. On the 1930 Silver Creek Township, Cass County, MI census are A. B. age 71 and brother C.C. age 69.

Aaron Burr Shively Death Certificate
Copied from The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana, Monday, July 16, 1900, Page 1, Column 3:
A Cement Company Incorporates
Articles of incorporation have been filed in the county recorder’s office by the South Bend Portland cement company. The capital stock is $50,000 divided into shares of $100 each and the directors are Edward J. Darragh, John S. Ramsey, Henry J. Goodrich, John Stirten, A. E. Stevens and Aaron B. Shively. The business of the company will be to manufacture cement, brick and tile and mine marl, clay and coal. It is the intention to revive the interests of the old cement company.

Located in The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana, Friday, December 8, 1905, Page 13, Column 1:
Aaron Shively Is Injured
Well Known Citizen Falls From Wagon And Sprains His Ankle
Aaron Shively and brother, Christopher Shively were engaged in hauling a heavy cement slab this morning. When on East Sample street near the coal yard of Arthur Miller the heavy piece of cement started to slide from the wagon. Mr. Aaron Shively was thrown to the pavement and suffered a severely sprained ankle. He was carried into the coal office and was afterward removed to his home. It is not thought that the accident will prove serious.

The following article was found in The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana, Friday, May 23, 1913,, Page 14, Column 4:
Aaron Shively Gets Post
WASHINGTON, May 23. — Senator Shively has appointed his brother, Aaron Shively, of South Bend, as assistant clerk to the committee of pensions, of which he is chairman. The position pays $1,440 a year.

This article was taken from The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana, Sunday, November 29, 1931, Page 1, Column 6:
Aaron Shively Dies At Age 72
Brother Of Late Senator Succumbs in Dowagiac; Rites Monday
Aaron B. Shively, age 72, of Indian lake, near Dowagiac, Mich., a brother of the late Senator B. F. Shively, of South Bend, died in Lee Memorial hospital in Dowagiac Saturday morning of infirmities of age.
Mr. Shively was born in Osceola in 1859 and made his home in South Bend for more than 40 years, coming here from Osceola. He was secretary, to his brother while in the senate, and was associated with him for many years in the contracting business in South Bend.
He was unmarried, and is survived by a brother, C. C. Shively, of Indian lake. Funeral services will take place at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon in the Osceola Baptist church.

Found in The Dowagiac Daily News, Dowagiac, Michigan, Saturday, November 28, 1931, Page 1 Column 8:
Aaron B. Shively Dies At Indian Lake
Aaron B. Shively, 74, Indian lake resident, died this morning at the Lee hospital after an illness of long standing.
Mr. Shively lived with a brother on the north shore of Indian lake for the past seven or eight years, having come here from Indiana. Neither of the two men was married.
Funeral arrangements have not been made.

This article appeared in The Dowagiac Daily News, Dowagiac, Michigan, Monday, November 30, 1931, Page 1, Column 1:
Here And There About Dowagiac
Funeral Aaron B. Shively
Final rites for the late Aaron B. Shively, 72, a former well known resident of Elkhart and South Bend who died at the Lee hospital Saturday morning, were held this afternoon at two o’clock at the Baptist church in Osceola, Ind. Burial was made in the Osceola cemetery. Mr. Shively, who death followed a long illness an six weeks spent in the hospital, and been living on the north shore of Indian lake, with a brother, Christian C. Shively, also a bachelor.  Mr. Shively was a brother of the late United States Senator B. Frank Shively. In early manhood he lived at Elkhart and Coldwater before going to Los Angeles, Calif. Later he returned and became assistant to his brother Frank in the latter’s campaign for the office of representative in the national house. He accompanied his brother to Washington as his secretary. Following the brother’s death in 1914, he embarked with his brother, Christian, in the contracting business. Beside the brother, the nearest relatives are three nephews.

Christian C. Shively Death Certificate
The following was copied from The Dowagiac Daily News, Dowagiac, Michigan, Thursday, June 6, 1935, Page 8, Column 2:
Conservation Arrest
Conservation Office Harold Treat of this city arrested Christian Shively of Indian lake Tuesday on a charge of catching game fish during the closed season. He was taken before Justice of the Peace Edward McMaster Wednesday afternoon where he pleaded guilty. He was fined $5.00 and costs of $6.85 which me made arrangements to pay.

A newspaper obituary for Christian Shively was found in The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Michigan, Friday, May 4, 1945, Page 29, Column 5:
Christian C. Shively
Christian C. Shively, aged 84, cement contractor for many years in South Bend and a brother of the late U. S. Senator B. Frank Shively, of this city, died at 8 a.m. Thursday in the Cass county hospital, near Cassopolis, Mich. Since his retirement 20  years ago Mr. Shively had resided at Indian lake, near Dowagiac, Mich. He was born July 16, 1860 in St. Joseph county, Indiana, son of the late Rev. and Mrs. Joel Shively. Surviving are three nephews, B. F. Kindig, rural route No. 5, Elkhart, Ind., and George and John Shively, Bronxville, N. Y., and a niece, Miss Mary Shively, also of Bronxville, all children of Senator Shively. The body is in the Meyer mortuary, Elkhart, where relatives will meet at 2 p.m. Saturday. Funeral services will be held at 2:30 p.m. Saturday in Church of Brethren, Osceola, with Rev. T. E. George, of Goshen, Ind., officiating. Burial will be in the Osceola cemetery.

This article was copied from The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana, Sunday, January 15, 1928, Page 2, Column 7:
Miss Katherine Shively Is Dead
Sister Of Late U. S. Senator 
Paralysis Victim
Born In Osceola 63 Years Ago, She Spent All Her Life In St. Joseph County
Miss Katherine Shively, age 63, of 1342 Lincoln Way East, sister of the late Hon. Benjamin F. Shively, of South Bend, United States senator from Indiana, died Saturday evening at 5:30 o’clock in her home after a three weeks’ illness.
Miss Shively was born in Osceola, this county, Feb. 11, 1864, the daughter of Rev. Joel Shively and Elizabeth Penrod Shively, who came here from Pennsylvania in 1854. She spent all her life in this county and 33 years in South Bend, coming here from Osceola. Surviving her are two brothers, Aaron B. Shively and Christopher C. Shively, both of this city, three nephews, Frank King, who is assistant dean at Michigan State Agricultural college, Lansing; George Shively, author, of New York city; John Shively, and one niece, Miss Mary Shively, the two latter of Brookville, Pa.
The body may be viewed this afternoon and evening in the L. H. Orvis funeral home where private services will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Grader, of the Second Brethren church, and Rev. T. E. George, of Goshen, Ind., will officiate. Burial will be in Osceola cemetery.