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Dudley M. Shively |
Because this is Memorial Day weekend a search was done for Shively related information. Located in The Elkhart Weekly Review, Elkhart, Indiana, June 3, 1908, Page 4, Column 4 was the following: D. M. Shively To Be Orator: Hon. Dudley M. Shively of South Bend will deliver the address next Sunday afternoon, when the W.O.W. and Woodman Circle of this city will unveil three monuments in Grace Lawn cemetery, which will be the lodge's annual Memorial Day. It is customary to unveil monuments and also to decorate the graves on that day. The Elkhart W.O.W. has twelve monuments and the Woodmen Circle has two monuments in this city; and two deceased social members buried here. It is expected that the two organizations will have a very large turnout, and visitors from neighboring cities are expected to attend.
The family of Dudley M. Shively is very well documented in the records of St. Joseph County, Indiana. Extracted from the South Bend And The Men Who Have Made It, Historical, Descriptive, Biographical, Illustrated, Compiled by Anderson & Cooley, South Bend, The Tribune Printing Co., 1901, Page 128-129 is the following biography: Dudely M. Shively - Mr. Dudley M. Shively, one of St. Joseph County's able attorneys and a leading business man, is a native of South Bend, having been born here January 18, 1871. Mr.Shively comes of a family highly prominent in this section, his father, Daniel Shively, having been for many years engaged in the dry goods trade here, and it was in his store that the subject of this sketch received his practical business training. His mother was Hattie (Butler) Shively. In the public schools of this city young Shively received his preliminary education, and in 1889 he graduated at the South Bend High school. Mr. Shively decided to take up a professional life, and in 1891 entered the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor where he received the degree of L. L. B., upon his graduation in 1892. He returned to South Bend and entered the law department of Notre Dame, and received his degree of Master of Laws. He was admitted to the bar and in 1892 began the practice of general law and has built up a large and permanent practice. In his profession Mr. Shively is a careful counselor and an able attorney. In business life he has won for himself a name as a practical business man of rare ability. In 1899 Mr. Shively saw an opportunity in the oil business, and with a small capital he opened up the famous field in Jasper County that he sold to the Byrd Syndicate of London, England. The field is a prolific one and the only one east of the Mississippi river producing an oil, which, under a process owned by the Byrd Syndicate, can be used in the manufacture of an imitation of Para rubber, and for the manufacture of rubber paint. Mr. Shively was a secretary of the Inter State Oil Company which he sold, and he is now secretary of the Inter State Petroleum Oil & Gas Company, and the Bailey Oil Company, both operating extensively in the Jasper County field. Mr. Shively is a very large holder of valuable oil property in Adams and Jay Counties. These properties are being rapidly developed under his energetic business methods and promise to be among the most valuable and large producing wells in the country. Mr. Shively was married June 24,1896, to Miss Janette M. Johnson, of Niles, Michigan, and resides in a handsome home at the corner of South Franklin and Elmira streets. He is popular in social life, and is a member of the Masons, Knights of Pythias, Woodmen of the World, Modern Woodmen and the Maccabess, and of Murat Temple Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, of Indianapolis.
This is my grandfather on my father's (John Cuthbert Shively) side.