This site was created by Larry Shively who is researching the history of the Shively families. The goal is to have a site where all Shively researchers can share and ask questions in regards to their Shively lines. The largest majority of the Shively family records are located in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. There are early records of Shively's also in Virginia and Kentucky. There are not many established Shively lineages back to Europe. There are documented lineages to Switzerland and Germany. Through the sharing of information from all of our research it is desired that all can learn about our Shively families.
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Friday, December 19, 2014
James Shively And Elizabeth Hunsberger Who Lived In Chester County, Pennsylvania
A Shively researcher has requested help on finding additional information on James Shively and wife Elizabeth Hunsberger who lived in Chester County, Pennsylvania. Their names on the death certificates for two of their children is all that is known about them.
The death certificate for Mary Mahalah Shively Sheeder who was the daughter of James Shively and Elizabeth Hunsberger was located in the Pennsylvania Death Certificates. She was born 19-Mar-1833 in Chester County, PA. She married Samuel Sheeder (Sheader) in Chester County on 29-July-1854. Mary died on 19-Apr-1914 in Chester County, PA. She was buried n East Vincent Cemetery.
The death certificate for Franklin J Shively who was the son of James Shively and Elizabeth Hunsberger was located in the Pennsylvania Death Certificates. He was born 1-Oct-1836 in East Coventry, Chester County, PA. He married 1st Sarah Trout who died in 1840 and 2nd on 25-Feb-1892 to Catharine Davidhuser Hilkert. Franklin Shively died on 24-Aug-1907 in Montgomery County, PA. He was buried in Pottstown Cemetery.
William T. Shively was a son of Franklin Shively and Sarah Trout. He was born on 11-Apr-1872 and died 1-Aug-1963. He was married to Sarah Engle. William T Shively was a clothing merchant.
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William T. Shively |
The following newspaper obituary for William T. Shively was extracted from The Pottstown Mercury, Pottstown, PA, Friday, August 2, 1963, Page 1, Column 1:
Ex-Clothier W. T. Shively Dies At 90
Mosheim's Treasurer Began Career In 1888
Former Executive Preferred Selling
William T. Shively, the dean of Pottstown clothiers, died Thursday morning in the Elizabethtown Masonic homes. He was 90.
Mr. Shively, a guest at the Masonic homes since Nov. 2, 1960, died at 8:40 a.m. after a short illness preceded by a "general weakening".
A Pottstown native and longtime 517 North Charlotte street resident, Mr. Shively entered the home two and a half years after the death of his wife, Sarah (Engle) Shively, March 6, 1958.
Mr. Shively, treasurer of S. Monsheim and sons, a former High street men's clothier, for the 30 years prior to his retirement in 1952, was a clothing salesman for the firm most of his life.
He began as a 16 year old errand boy in the store, then owned by the late Samuel Mosheim, on Aug. 23, 1888 at $3 a week. He sold almost from the start, although, he recalled later, "I was really hired as an errand boy".
Mr. Mosheim and he were the only two in the store when Mr. Shively was employed. The store was situated on the South side of High street new the Hotel Shuler.
REMINISCING in The Mercury during the 30s about "gay 90" men's clothing, Shively chuckled about the ready made suits offered to Pottstown men at the time.
"They came only in three models", he remembered. "There were only shorts, longs and stouts in suit sizes. If you were of the "in between size", you just purchased the nearest size and pulled them in!"
Suits, when Mr. Shively entered the trade, sold at $10, "and if you wanted a real suit you
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William Shively |
paid $15."
The Mosheim store moved to 207 High street in 1897. Later Mr. Mosheim's sons, Maurice and Edward, entered the business. After the death of Mr. Mosheim, the firm was incorporated in 1922. Mr. Shively was one of the incorporators and became treasurer. The store was sold at his retirement Oct. 28, 1952.
"But I'm still a salesman", he declared, some 15 years after becoming a store executive.
Mr. Shively liked to serve the public, a Mercury store in 1937 (his 49th year at the store) declared. It added he didn't think there was any such thing as "a real mean customer".
"If they are that way you generally can lay your finger on the trouble by looking to the salesman. He, nine times out of ten, made them that way".
An "INVETERATE cigar smoker" who enjoyed bass fishing, he was born in Pottstown April 11, 1873. He was the son of the late Franklin J. and Sarah Shively.
Born on Chestnut street, his family moved to Fricks Lock when he was six years old. He attended the old Riverview school there until he was 12 when the family moved back to Pottstown. He completed his grammar school education here.
Mr. Shively began his 66 working years at 14, carrying papers for two years before starting at the clothing store.
Shively met his wife shortly after he became a clothing salesman. She was then Sarah Engle, daughter of the late William and Matilda Engle, Stowe.
Although she and her future husband were confirmed in the same class at Emmanuel Lutheran church, they didn't become well acquainted until they met at a dance. They were married Oct. 1, 1895.
Shively is survived by a son, C. Russell Shively, 268 Grace street; a grandson, Robert R. Shively, 858 Feist avenue, and two great granddaughters.
Funeral services will be tomorrow at 11 a.m. from the Schumacher and Reber Funeral home, 359 King street, with the Rev. Dr. Luther A. Krouse, pastor of Emmanuel Lutheran church, officiating.
Graveside services will be conducted by the Stichter lodge 254 F and AM.
Interment will be in Mt. Zion cemetery.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Charles Shively And Wife Clara B. Thixton, Who Lived In Huron County, Ohio
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Charles Shively |
Charles Shively was born in Vigo County, IN on 18-Oct-1863. He died on 3-Oct-1940 in Springfield, Clark County, OH. He was married to Clara B. Thixton who had lived in Owensboro, Daviess County, KY. Clara was the daughter of John Thixton. Charles and Clara had one daughter Mary Ellen Shively who married Edgar Bell. Charles may have married a second time. In 1906 Charles Shively and partners bought the newspaper Norwalk Experiment and the Huron County News. From newspaper articles it appears Charles Shively spoke his mind often times making him unpopular. Following are several of the newspaper articles documenting his activities.
Extracted from The Norwalk Reflector-Herald, Tuesday, November 5, 1940, Page 8, Column 4:
Chas. Shively, 79, Formerly Of Norwalk,Is Dead
Word has been received of the death of Charles Shively at Springfield, OH. Interment was made at Terre Haute, Ind., his birth place. He was born in 1861. Mr. Shively published the Experiment News here about 20 years and for many years was employed as a proof read by the Crowell Publishing Co. of Springfield where the American Magazine, Colliers Weekly and three other major magazines are printed. In his proof reading work, Mr. Shively was prominent among those engaged in this exacting branch of the magazine publishing business. Mr. Shively is survived by his daughter, Mrs. Edgar Bell of Norwalk and six grandchildren. He was engaged in the publishing business in Kentucky for a time.
From The Norwalk Reflector-Herald, Tuesday, January 29, 1946, Page 1, Column 2:
Did You Know
by J. H. Williams, Curator Firelands Museum
The Experiment passed into the hands of Charles Shively, an able, but erratic editor, whose main fault was in calling a spade a spade with the consequent enemy results. Shively was in more or less hot water during his incumbency. His desire was to boss the democratic party in Huron County. He tried to be appointed postmaster, failing in getting the appointment he soured on the town, sold out to Judge Earl S. Miller, who in turn sold to Colonel Davis, since which time the Experiment has been the property of the Davis family.
From The Evening Herald, Thursday, December 27, 1906, Page 2, Column 2:
Experiment And News Company Now Is Conducted Under New Auspices
New Officer And Directors Are Chosen At Meeting Yesterday
At a meeting of the stockholders of the Experiment and News company yesterday, the plant of which was purchased the first of last October by Mr. Charles Shively and associates, the following directors were elected: Charles Shively, Clara B Shively, Frank A. Shively of Terre Haute, Ind., John Thixton jr. of Louisville, Ky., John Thixton sr. of Owensboro, Ky., and Herman E. Lowy of Norwalk.
Immediately the directors elected the following officers for the coming year: Charles Shively, president and general manager, Herman E. Lowy, vice president, Mrs. Clara B Shively, secretary and treasurer.
Mr. Charles Shively has been in the printing and newspaper business for many years before coming to Norwalk. In Indiana, his native state, he was with the old Rockport Democrat.
For the past twenty years he and his family have resided in Ohio, fifteen of which have been as residents of Norwalk.
F. A. Shively, of Terre Haute, Ind., one of the directors, is a merchant of that city and a brother of Mr. Charles Shively.
Herman E. Lowy, vice president of the new company, has been connected for the past five years with Die Columbia as editor and since Mr. Shively has acquired this property, Mr. Lowy has now identified himself with the Experiment & News Company also.
Messrs John Thixton, sr. and John Thixton, jr. are residents of Louisville, Ky., and Owensboro, Ky., respectively. Both gentlemen are prominent in business and banking circles and are relatives of Mrs. Charles Shively.
From The Evening Herald, Wednesday, June 12, 1912, Page 1, Columns 3-4:
Controversy Over Crop Of Strawberries
George Snider Files Affidavit Charging Assault by Chas. Shively And Fred Miller
A dispute over the right to harvest a crop from a strawberry patch yesterday forenoon led to a physical encounter between the claimants and a third party which presents some rather unusual features, and which led to the filing of an affidavit this afternoon with Justice of the Peace Bechtol charging Charles Shively, editor of the Experiment-News and Fred Miller, of this city, with assault and battery on the person of George Snider, who lives at 298 West Main street.
While the affidavit filed does not go into details, statements made by the parties to the affair, which do not differ materially from each other, indicate that the fracas arose over an agreement made between Shively and Snider to plant a piece of land to strawberries on shares. Shively was to furnish the land Snider the labor.
Shively says that Snider failed to furnish labor in sufficient quantities to entitle him to share in the proceeds of the crop. Snider on the other hand claims that he labored hard and long, and the he was justly entitled to half the strawberries which might be gleaned off the patch. Yesterday morning Snider came to the field, which lies somewhere in the rear of the Shively residence on West Main street, equipped with baskets and proceeded to garner of the fruits of the field. He hadn't picked so very many when Shively appeared on the scene and ordered Snider off the lot. Snider refused to go, whereupon, the "doings" began. When the gong rang at the end of the first round Shively was on the ground with a gash over his eye where Snider had kicked him after knocking him down. Snider's victory was not destined to do him any lasting good, however for when Fred Miller, who had been impartially watching proceedings up to this time saw Snider kick Shively when the latter was "down", he decided that wasn't sportsmanlike and "butted in".
Miller and Snider roughed it for a moment during which short period of time Miller acquired a discolored eye. By this time Shively had arisen and went to Miller's assistance. Together, they overpowered Snider and threw him down. Then, according to Snider, Miller struck him several times while he was being held, and blacked one of his eyes in return for the gorgeous optic which he had bestowed upon Miller.
Still holding Snider, the victors then proceeded to tie Snider's hands together with a stout rope and as did the conquering legionaries of imperial Rome, the captive was trailed in triumph to the street. With a parting admonition to go home and let his wife untie him, Snider says he was turned loose. He finally succeeded in uniting the knot with his teeth, after appealing in vain to a passer-by.
Bearing a piece of rope, which he said was part of the rope with which he was tied, Snider appeared in the office of a local attorney this morning. He looked battered, and his eye was a sight. Editor Shively had not appeared at his office pup to noon today. Miller appeared to have escaped with the least damage, and yesterday afternoon was reciting his version of the affair in the business district with much animation.
Located in Norwalk
Reflector-Herald, Friday, September 28, 1917, Page 1, Column 6:
Gets Taste Of Own Medicine
Editor Who Villified Local Merchants Given Worst Dose
In Town’s History
Charles Shively, editor of the weekly
Experiment and News, and who for many years has taken delight in personally
vilifying his betters, literally “got his” today.
And the whole town is shaking with laughter.
A. A. Kist, who is conducting the co-operative
sale for local merchants, emptied a five-gallon bucket of fresh cow manure on
Shively’s head and then jammed the bucked down over his head and ears, while a
crowd of some 200 people laughed till they ached.
It was the
climax of a bitter attack Shively has been making in his paper the last two
issues against Mr. and Mrs. Kist, and some thirty prominent Norwalk merchants
who are conducting the sale.
Kist armed with the bucket of manure, waited on
prominent street corners for two hours Friday morning waiting for Shively to
appear. Finally, shortly after 12
o’clock, Shively appeared near the court house and made a bee-line for the
waiting city car at the corner of Linwood avenue -- possibly he (literally) scented danger and sought the
He was accosted by Mrs. Kist, who stepped in
front of him and said: “I want to
know what you mean by our attacks on me in your paper?”
“Never mind what I mean,” Shively is said to
have replied. “I’ll get you yet”.
Mr. Kist then stepped in front of him and told
his wife to get out of the way.
“I’ll attend to him”, Kist said.
Just at that moment Shively’s hat, either blew
off or was knocked off, and Kist upturned the bucket and its slimy contents
over his head, jamming it down over his shoulders.
When Shively got out from under and pried his
eyes open he saw a gib crowd of people, among them merchants he had called
crooks and boobs, laughing loud and long.
He made at Kist and was met by a smashing blow
on the nose from Kist’s fist. He
got a couple more in the same place and then ran back and got the bucket to
attack Kist with. But that time
the fight had turned into a travesty, and the man, literally reeking and
choking with filth, made its way into Ferguson’s saloon, where he spent an hour
getting cleaned and sent home for clothes.
The cause of the outbreak was Shively’s attack
on prominent local merchants, as well as Kist. He printed that the sale last spring had been a fake and the
prize-winning a swindle, implicating five local merchants who stand above
reproach as leading men of the community.
For many years the fellow has been printing lies and false stories and
innuendoes about Norwalk people, and the general sentiment is that he got what
was coming to him.
“I have no statement whatever to make,” said
Mr. Kist when interviewed by a reporter, “except to say that I made him eat his
Kist was served with papers late this
afternoon, sworn out in Squire Pechtel’s court, charging him with assault.
Saturday, December 6, 2014
Harriet Isabell Gibson, Wife Of Jacob Shively, Who Lived In Clarke County, Iowa and Napa County, California
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"Hattie" Harriet Isabell Gibson Shively |
Harriet Isabell Gibson was born 16-July-1844 in Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA and died 9-March-1945 in St. Helena, CA. She was buried in 1945 in Ottawa Cemetery, Clarke County, Iowa. Harriet Gibson was married to Jacob Shively. Jacob Shively was born 4-March-1840 in Schuylkill County, PA and died 22-August-1932 in Osceola, Clarke County, IA. Jacob Shively was the son of Christian Shively (born 1-April-1812 died 3-February-1862) and Susannah "Susan" Heasley (16-November-1813 died 27-April-1893).
Listed on the 1910 Jackson Township, Clarke County, Iowa census is the family of Jacob Shively age 70, married 44 years, farmer with wife Hattie I age 63, daughter Edith R age 23, boarder Arthur VanVleet age 16 and boarder Jennie Decker age 12.
Extracted from the San Francisco Chronicle, Monday, July 24, 1944, Page 11, Column 6:
At 100, S. F. Woman Busy In Red Cross
Although she marked her 100th birthday anniversary Sunday, July 16, Mrs. Jacob Shively of Sanitarium, Cal., fills her days with Red Cross activities and handiwork and maintains a keen interest in war happenings and the Presidential election.
A birthday celebration in her honor was held at the home of her daughter, Dr. Ida S. Nelson of Sanitarium. Mrs. Shively was a resident of Clark county, Iowa, for 69 years before making her home in this State.
Mrs. Shively's five living children are: Mrs. Edith S. Halvorsen and Dr. Ida S. Nelson of Sanitarium; Mrs. W. E. Nelson, Washington, D. C.; John Shively, Osceola, Iowa and Dr. J. Dow Shively of Clinton, Mo.
Abstaining from tea, coffee, tobacco and alcoholic beverages are all factors to which Mrs. Shively, a vegetarian, attributes her long life.
The death of Harriet Isabell Gibson Shively was reported in The Sacramento Bee, Wednesday, March 14, 1945, Page 8, Column 5:
Napa Woman Dies At Century Mark
St. Helena (Napa Co). March 14 -- The body of Mrs. Hattie Shively, who died here in the home of a daughter, Mrs. Edith Haalverson, at the age of 100, is en route to Iowa for burial.
Mrs. Shively who came to California in 1932 to reside after the death of her husband, the late Jacob Shively, is survived by her other daughters, Dr. Ida Nelson of the St. Helena Sanitarium and Mrs. W. E. Nelson of Washington, D. C. and her sons, John Shively of Iowa and Dr. J. D. Shively of Missouri.
On the 1910 Clarke County, Iowa census in the household of Jacob and Hattie Shively is Jennie Decker. The following information was extracted from the Chariton Herald-Patriot, Chariton, Iowa, Thursday, May 3, 1917, Page 5, Column 2:
Jennie Hazel Decker was born in the city of New York, June 20th, 1896, and died at her home in Lucas, Iowa, on Sunday April 22nd, 1917. She was the daughter of George and Jennie Decker. Being left an orphan at the age of four, she made her home near Woodbury, Iowa, with Jacob and Hattie Shively. She was a kind, obedient and affectionate child, and was much loved by those who had her under their care, and by all who knew her. On September 12th, 1909, she was baptized and united in full faith with the Seventh Day Adventist church at Woodbury. To this faith she was devoted and true to the close of her life.
On July 4th, 1915, she was married to David Ora Cook. To his union came a little son to brighten their home, David Andrew, born July 30th, 1916. She was a true, loving, faithful wife and an affectionate and devoted mother. During her last sickness she was very patient. Everything was done that loving hands could to to relieve her. Her friends who could not come longed to be by her side and administer to her wants and needs and alleviate her sufferings.
She leaves to mourn, aside from her husband and darling baby, two brothers, James, who is in New Jersey, and William, who is here. The Shively family will miss her greatly, for they loved her as their own. Words cannot express the sorrow that friends feel at their loss, but they hope to meet her again on the resurrection morning.
Saturday, November 29, 2014
Frank C. Shively And Wife Bertie Westover Who Lived In Mahoning County, Ohio And Mercer County, Pennsylvania
Frank C. Shively was the son of Jeremiah Shively and Ellen Carson. Frank was born 28-July-1874 in Berlin Center, Mahoning County, Ohio and died 21-November-1961. He was married to Bertie Westover on 19-Sep-1895. His father, Jeremiah Shively, was born 13-Dec-1844 in Berlin Center and did 12-Apr-1927 in Mercer County, PA. Jeremiah Shively was the son of Lawrence Shively and Margaret Best. The mother of Frank C. Shively was Mary Ellen Carson, daughter of George Carson and Catherine Grose. She was born 1-Aug-1849 and died 17-Jun-1931.
The newspaper obituary for Frank C. Shively was extracted from The Salem News, Salem, Ohio, Wednesday, November 22, 1961, Page 6, Columns 1-2:
BERLIN CENTER -- Frank C. Shively, 87, of Berlin Center, died of a heart attack at the Jane Frances Nursing Home in Marlboro at 4:30 a.m. Tuesday. Born July 28, 1874, in Berlin Center, he was the son of Jeremiah and Ellen Carson Shively. His wife, the former Bertie Westover, whom he married on Sept. 19, 1895, died June 21, 1956.
He was a cashier at the First National Bank of Sharon, Pa., for 25 years before retiring in 1945. He was a member of the Berlin Center Methodist Church, Mahoning Lodge in New Castle, Delta Chapter, R.A.M. of New Castle, Lawrence Commandry of Knights Templar, Zem Zem Shrine in Erie, Pa., and Antioch Conclave of Red Cross of Constantine. He became a 33rd degree Mason in 1921.
He is survived by two cousins, Mr. W. B. Shively and Mr. F. L. Shively, both of Berlin Center.
Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Friday at the Berlin Center Methodist Church, where the body will lie in state from 12:30 p.m. until the time of service. Rev. Dale Wagner of the Berlin Center Church will officiate. Burial will be in the Berlin Center Mausoleum.
Friends may call at the Williams Funeral Home in Canfield from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday.
Several newspaper articles give more information on the life of Frank C. Shively. Located in The New Castle News, Wednesday, July 3, 1907, Page 27, Column 1:
Never Seen A Ball Game
To live thirty years in the world, and to have never seen a game of ball, is the unusual distinction enjoyed by Frank Shively, assistant to Agent Turner of the Pennsylvania.
When interviewed in the status of the case Shively admits it to be a fact that he has never seen even a single inning of an exhibition of the national game. When the cause is asked for, Frank replies that the reason for his missing so much of the elixir of life is the fact that he has been constantly on duty, day and night, ever since his early youth. While he regrets having never seen Bill Smith gallop around the thistles in center, or to have witnessed the unusual exhibition of Schintter striking out, he says that he is content to do without the pleasure of going to Cascade to see the Nocks play.
New Castle News, Saturday, November 2, 1907, Page 2, Column 4:
Shively Is Back
With the scent of the Pacific sea breezes still fresh in his matted locks, Frank Shively, ticket clerk for the Pennsylvania lines in this city, blew in yesterday after a month's trip through different parts of the west. Shively visited San Francisco, Denver, Pasadena, and other localities. He reports a pleasant outing.
New Castle News, Wednesday, July 19, 1916, Page 39, Column 4:
New Castle Man Goes To Sharon
F. C. Shively Will Take Vacancy Caused By Resignation Of Gaylor
Announcement was made today that Ticket Agent E. H. Gaylord, for the past 13 years in charge of the Sharon office of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, has resigned, his resignation becoming effective on July 20. He will be succeeded by F. C. Shively, for a number of years past, ticket clerk at the New Castle station, says the Sharon Herald.
The announcement came as a great surprise to Mr. Gaylord's numerous friends. He has been in the employ of the Pennsy for the past 21 years. For five years he worked in the freight office in Sharon and for three years he was located in New Castle. Then he spent six months in the Youngstown offices before taking charge of the Sharon office in 1903, succeeding Joseph Hardy. He has been efficient and obliging and during his long tenure of office has done much to increase the Pennsy passenger business out of Sharon. He has not yet decided upon his future movements, but will locate somewhere in the west.
Mr. Shively, who will succeed him, is one of the best known of the younger Pennsy passenger men and is highly popular with patrons of the line. In his New Castle position and his fraternal affiliations he is well known to Sharon people and he is assured of a warm welcome here.
New Castle News, Monday, September 24, 1917, Page 23, Column 3:
Frank Shively Leaves Railroad
Former Employe of Pennsylvania In This City To Take Up Bank Work
Local friends of Frank C. Shively will be interested to learn that he has given up railroad work and today enters upon his new duties as assistant cashier of the McDowell National Bank in Sharon.
Mr. Shively has been connected with the Pennsylvania railroad for 19 years and was for years in the New Castle office but left here about one year ago to become ticket agent at Sharon . He is one of the popular men of the E and A division and his decision to leave the railroad will cause considerable surprise here.
Simpson's Leader-Times, Kittanning, Pennsylvania, Friday, January 9, 1931, Page 16, Column 2:
Dog Stopped Traffic
Sharon, Jan. 9 -- (UP) -- A crowd of 300 persons dropped business here momentarily yesterday to witness the rescue of a poodle pup from the Shenango river by two officials of the First National Bank. Cashier Frank C. Shively and his assistant, William Bryer, succeeded in lassoing the dog which had fallen into the river while attempting to cross on the ice. It was pulled out of a small whirlpool.
The Indiana Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Friday, June 12, 1931, Page 3, Column 3:
SHARON -- Mrs. Mary E. Shively, 82, mother of Cashier Frank C. Shively of the First National Bank, Sharon, was in serious condition in Buhl Hospital today as result of a fall in her home yesterday. Mrs. Shively is suffering from a fractured hip and shock.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
John William Shively, Son Of James Henry Shively And Annie Frazier, From Clearfield County, Pennsylvania
A recent genealogy request was received regarding additional information on the family of John William Shively who had lived in Clearfield County, PA. The subjects of the 2-June-2012 blog were his parents, James Henry Shively and Annie Frazier.
Following is information for John William Shively who was born 2-April-1880 at Petersburg, Huntingdon County, PA and died 18-May-1960 at Curwensville, Clearfield County, PA. He was married first to Minnie Daub (Dobb) on 4-Dec-1902 in Clearfield County. Minnie was born Sep-1880 and died 21-Oct-1915 at the Clearfield Hospital of surgical shock. John William Shively was married second to Lydia Myrtle Stiver. They were married in May-1918. Myrtle was the daughter of Andrew C. Stiver and Edith Stinerock.
John and Minnie Shively are listed on the 1910 Clearfield County, PA census. Listed in the family are John Shively age 30, wife Minnie age 28, daughter Hazel age 6, daughter Mildred age 3 and daughter Jean age 1 and several months. Listed on the 1920 Clearfield County, PA census, Pike Township, Curwensville Precinct is John W. Shiveley age 39, wife Myrtle age 25, daughter Mildred age 15, daughter Jean age 11, son Paul age 8 and daughter Ruby age 4. On the 1930 Clearfield County, PA census is the record of John Shively age 50, wife Myrtle age 35, daughter Ruby age 14, grandson William Durst age 6 and Lawrence Stiver age 16.
Newspaper articles give additional information on this family. Extracted from The Progress, Clearfield, PA, Wednesday, May 18, 1960, Page 18, Column 5:
John W. Shively
CURWENSVILLE--John William Shively, 80, of Naulton road, Curwensville, died at his home May 18. A son of James H and Annie (Frazier) Shively, he was born April 2, 1880, at Petersburg, Huntingdon County.
Surviving are his wife, Myrtle (Stiver) Shively and these children: Mrs. Hazel Haines, Muncy; Mrs. Mildred Chusing, Mayville, N.Y.; Mrs. Jean Irvin, Pleasant Gap; Paul, Curwensville; two stepchildren, Mrs. Ruby Owens, Lockport, NY and Lawrence Stiver, Curwensville.
The following brothers and sisters also survive: Mack Shively, Clearfield; Mae Shively, Curwensville; Mrs. Jane Given, Chambersburg; Mrs. Clara Wingate, St. Petersburg, Fla; Mrs. Pearl Bailor, Curwensville; James Shively, Minot, N.D.; Mrs. Glenna Thurstin, Pine Grove Mills; 11 grandchildren and 23 great-grandchildren.
He was preceded in death by his first wife, Minnie (Daub) Shively, his parents, one brother and one sister.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Lininger Funeral Home at Curwensville, the Rev. Ira R. Duvall officiating. Interment will be made in Oak Hill Cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home Thursday after 7 p.m. until time of services Saturday.
The following newspaper obituary was extracted from The Progress, Clearfield, PA, Thursday, June 18, 1964, Page 2, Column 6:
Mrs. Lydia M. Shively
CURWENSVILLE--Mrs. Lydia Myrtle Shively, 70, of Naulton Road, Curwensville, died in the Clearfield Hospital yesterday at 11:50 a.m. A daughter of Andrew C. and Edith (Stinerock) Stiver, she was born at Force, Elk County,, June 16, 1894.
Surviving are the following children: Lawrence Stiver, Curwensville; Mrs. Ruby Owens, Lockport, N.Y.; these stepchildren; Mrs. Hazel Hines, Muncy; Mrs. Mildred Cushing, Mayville, N.Y.; Mrs. Jean Irwin and Paul Shively, both of Curwensville.
Also surviving are 16 grandchildren, a number of great-grandchildren; a sister and a brother, Herbert Stiver and Mrs. Minnie Forcey, both of Curwensville.
She was preceded in death by her husband, John Shively, in 1960, her parents and one sister.
Burial services will be held Saturday at 4 p.m. from the Russell H. Lininger Funeral Home, Curwensville, with the Rev. Dr. E. Roy Hauser officiating. Interment will follow in Oak Hill Cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home from 7 p.m. today until the hour of service Saturday.
The following newspaper obituary was extracted from The Buffalo News, Sunday, June 7, 1998, Page D3:
Ruby A. Owens, a retired Harrison Radiator Division production worker, died Saturday (June 6, 1998) in Odd Fellows and Rebekah Nursing Home after a lengthy illness. Mrs. Owens, 82, was born Ruby Shively in Curwensville, Pa., and come to Lockport in 1945.
She was employed for 28 years as a production worker at the Harrison Radiator plant. She retired in 1977.
She was a member of the Navy Club, Harrison Retirees and United Auto Workers Union Local 686.
Mrs. Owens is survived by three grandchildren and a great-grandson.
Services will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday in Gaul Funeral Home, 263 East Ave. Burial will be in Glenwood Cemetery.
Extracted from The Daily News, Huntingdon, PA, Monday, November 27, 2000, Page 2, Columns 1-2:
Lawrence D. Stiver
Retired from Howe Leather Co.
Lawrence D. Stiver, 86, of Curwensville, died Friday, Nov. 24, 2000. Born Dec. 17, 1913, he was a son of the late John and Myrtle Shively. He was united in marriage to Alice Johnson in 1940, and she preceded him in death April 14, 1965.
One daughter, Sharon L. Dick of Petersburg survives, along with two nieces and a nephew, three grandsons and two great-grandsons.
One daughter, Cindy Lou Stiver, preceded him in death May 5, 1953.
Mr. Stiver retired from Howe Leather Co. in Curwensville, after many years of service. He was active in his community and served as chairman of the Curwensville Days Parade Committee for many years. He was also the manager of the Curwensville baseball team.
He was a member of the Curwensville Rescue Hose and Ladder Company, where he was president for 13 years, Clearfield County Fireman's Association, Central District Firemen's Association and the Curwensville Rescue Hose and Ladder Fire Police.
Funeral services will be held at the Choirboy Funeral Home in Curwensville Tuesday, Nov. 28, at 10 a.m., with the Rev. Donald Hurley officiating. Interment will be made in the Oak Hill Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, the family requests that donations be made to the Curwensville Rescue Hose and Ladder Fire Police or the Curwensville United Methodist Church.
Saturday, November 15, 2014
Cora Lauretta Shively Cato, Daughter Of Jacob Banta Shively And Anna Mavity, Who Lived In Dubois County, Indiana
Cora Lauretta Shively, daughter of Jacob Banta and Anna Mavity Shively, was born 26 February 1843 in Dubois County, Indiana. She married Jacob Giegar Cato on 4 July 1858 (Marriage Book 1 -- page 428) Dubois County, Indiana. He was born 2 March 1838 and live on a farm southeast of Huntingburg and purchased an interest in the farmer's mill, which he owned until his death 4 April 1906. He served 13 years as an assessor of his township and a number of years on the City Council of Huntingburg. Their children: John T., Anna R., Ella, J. Barton, Emma, William Wayne, Benjamin F., and Lulu B. (Information from Descendants of Henry and Mary Banta Shively by Lottie Compton McDowell, 1972, Page 29.)
Additional information was extracted from the newspaper obituary found in The Huntingburg Independent, Huntingburg, Indiana, Saturday January 19, 1918, Page 1, Columns 5-6:
Former Resident Of Huntingburg Dies In Evansville Wednesday Of Cancer
Mrs. Loretta Shively Cato, widow of the late Jacob G. Cato, who until a few years ago was a resident of Huntingburg, died Wednesday, January 16, 1918, in Evansville, Indiana, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ella Wolfe, with whom she had resided since her removal from Huntingburg. The cause of her death was cancer. Her remains were brought to this city yesterday morning and taken to the home of E. W. Blemker, from which place the funeral will take place his morning at 10:00 o'clock, the remains to be taken thence to the Central Christian church, where the pastor, Rev. C. W. Parks, will preach the funeral sermon. The burial will follow at Fairmount cemetery.
Mrs. Cato was the daughter of the late Rev. Jacob Banta and Anna Shively, and was born on what is now known as the Henry Dufendach farm, adjoining the fairgrounds on the east, February 26, 1843. She was the youngest of eleven children born to this venerable couple, whose lives were so intimately connected with the early history of the southern part of Dubois county. Her father and her father-in-law, Rev. Green Cato, were two of the early Christian ministers who came to this county. Mrs. Cato was also the sister of the gallant Captain Lewis Biram Shively, killed at Peach Tree Creek, near Atlanta, on July 22, 1864, and for whom the local Grand Army Post was named. Having been brought up in a christian family, Mrs. Cato early in life united with the church and has lived true to her faith all her life.
July 4, 1858, she was united in marriage to Jacob G. Cato. For a number of years they resided on the place that is still known as the Cato farm, near the place where she was born, and when their family had become grown they removed to Huntingburg. They were the parents of eight children--four sons and four daughters. Two of the children--John T. Cato and Wm. W. Cato--have preceded the mother in death. The father died twelve years ago. The children who survive are: Mrs. Anna Cox, of this city; Mrs. Ella Wolfe, of Evansville; Dr. J. Barton Cato, of Hutsonville, Ill.; Mrs. Emma Drasch, of Pennsylvania; Rev. Ben Cato, of Little Rock, Ark; and Mrs. Lula Bitters. She also leaves 13 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren.
Mrs. Cato was a true christian woman. She was loved by all who knew her, and she was known by a large circle of friends, all of whom will sincerely regret to learn of her death. She reached the ripe old age of 74 years, 10 months and 20 days, having spent her years in a truly useful and christian-like manner.
The newspaper obituary for her husband was extracted from the New Albany Evening Tribune, New Albany, Indiana, Thursday, April 5, 1906, Page 4, Column 2:
Jacob Cato, of Huntingburg, Ind., father of the Rev. B. F. Cato, pastor of the Central Christian church, died this morning. He was taken ill with la grippe which developed into pneumonia. He was sixty eight years old. Mr. Cato left this morning for Huntingburg and Mrs. Cato will leave tonight.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Friday, October 31, 2014
Halloween Party For Kaye Shively - 1948 - Pottawattomie County, Iowa
The following newspaper article was extracted from The Council Bluffs (Iowa) Nonpareil, Wednesday, October 27, 1948, Page 6, Column 4:
Halloween Party For Kaye Shively
Ghosts, witches and black cats stalked the rooms of the Kenneth Shively home, Sunday evening, when a party honored Kay Shively on her tenth birthday anniversary.
Each guest was escorted individually through a corridor of horrors to reach a decorated playroom.
Guests bobbed for bubble gum, tossed peanuts through the witch's mouth, and searched for the cat's tail. Each received a fortune in a sealed peanut shell from the witches' cauldron.
Refreshments were served from a table decorated with orange and black witches and cats, lighted by candles.
Bidden guests included Carol Potkonjak, JoAnn Prentice, Phyllis Breese, Karen Medley, Barbara Flowers, Sharron Prominski, Connie Johnson, Sherrel Roberts, Karen Engle, Marcine Griffin, Sandra Sue Mount, Barbara Parrish, Jeanine Kelley, and Kathy Butler.
Assisting Mr. and Mrs. Shively with the party were Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ronk, Mrs. Ralph Butler and Bob Butler.
Kenneth Jones Shively and his wife, Viola, were the parents of Kaye Shively. Kenneth was the son of Richard C. Shively and Katie B. Jones who were married in Council Bluffs, Pottawattomie County, Iowa on 15-October-1888. Richard C. Shively was the son of William Thomas Shively and Thresea E. Hayden. William Thomas Shively was born in Kentucky and was the son of John B. Shively and Sarah Heaverin.
Saturday, October 25, 2014
Jacob Shively And Wife, Monacka Mary Frey (Fry), Who Lived In Logan, Hocking County, Ohio
Jacob Shively was born 4-Dec-1831 in Germany, married 4-May-1858 in Vinton County, OH (Marriage Vol. 1, Page 135) and died 1-Oct-1903 in Logan, Hocking County, OH. From census records it is recorded that he immigrated to the US in 1857. He married Monacka "Mary" Frey (Fry) who was born Apr-1841 in Germany. From census records it is recorded she immigrated to the US in 1849. They are located on the 1860 Madison Township, Vinton County, OH census as Jacob Shively age 29 and wife Mary age 20. The family of Jacob Shively is listed on the 1880 Logan, Hocking County, OH census and 1900 Logan, Falls Township, Hocking County, OH census record. Jacob was involved in the community of Logan as there are newspaper articles that indicate he was elected as "sanitary policeman" or street commissioner in Logan.
Research on the children of Jacob and Mary Shively was done this week and the following information can be used for a research guide on this family. 1) Son Jacob Shively was born 23-Jan-1861 Vinton Co., OH and died 4-Jun-1946 at Memorial Hospital, Huntington, Cabell Co., WV. He was a tailor and may have died from injuries suffered after a fall from a porch. 2) John William Shively was born 13-Jan-1863 Vinton Co., OH and died 4-Jan-1927 in Huntington, Cabell Co., WV. He may have lived in Columbus, OH. He is buried in St. Joseph Cemetery in Franklin Co., OH. He was married on 21-Apr-1855 to Clara Keinle. She was born 7-May-1861 and died 23-Apr-1925. 3) George Shively was born May-1865 and died ca. 1906. He married Regina Fredericka "Ricca" Krinn on 28-Jun-1885 in Hocking Co., OH. She was born July-1868 and died 1-Apr-1936 Cook Co, IL 4) Charles L Shively born 31-Jul-1867 Hocking Co., OH, married 26-Jan-1905 Hamilton Co., OH, died 6-Dec-1938 Montgomery Co., OH. He was married to Clara E. Palmer 5) William Wendell Shively born 11-Feb-1871 Hocking Co, OH died 2-Feb-1932 Sandusky Co., OH, buried St. Joseph's Cemetery in Fremont, OH. He was married on 30-Dec-1891 in Campbell Co., KY to Bessie Catherine Fisher. She was born 30-Jul-1871 and died 26-Sep-1906. 6) Catharine B. Shively was born 8-Sep-1873 Hocking Co., OH, married 28-Apr-1891 Hocking Co., OH, died 6-Sep-1919 Belmont Co., OH. She married John Spencer 7) Augustus "Gus" Shively was born 29-Jan-1876 Hocking Co., OH died 12-Jul-1945 buried Oak Grove Cemetery, Hocking Co., OH. He was married to Lucinda "Lucy" Donaldson on 6-Jul-1897. She was born 28-May-1879 and died 28-Nov-1937. 8)Ferdinand Shively born 13-Mar-1878. In 1942 he was living in Akron, Summit Co., OH. 9) William Shively born 7-Oct-1880 or 1881 in Hocking Co., OH. He was married in Summit Co., OH on 3-Apr-1913 to Bertha Wegmiller.
The following newspaper obituary for Jacob Shively was extracted from The Hocking Sentinel, Logan, Ohio, Thursday, October 15, 1903, Page 4, Column 2:
Mr. Jacob Shively was born in Lanhaim, Walsehite County, Baden, Dec. 4th, in the year, 1831, died Oct. 1, 1903, aged 71 years and 9 months. He was married in 1858 to Miss Moneca Tray. To this union was born ten children, of which one died in infancy. The children were all here to attend the funeral, except Charles Shively and Mrs. Kate Spencer.
We kindly thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness during the sickness and death of our loved one.
Mrs. Jacob Shively
Located in The Ohio Democrat, Thursday, October 15, 1903, Page 3, Column 4:
The death of Jacob Shively occurred last week. He was sanitary policeman of Logan and an old and respected citizen. Obituary notice next week.
There are various newspaper articles regarding the family members of Jacob and Mary Shively in Logan, Hocking Co., OH and the following was extracted from The Ohio Democrat, Logan, Ohio, Tuesday, February 2, 1897, Page 4, Column 3:
Birthday Anniversary
Last Saturday Augustus Shively arrived at that point in life to which all young men look forward to with much anxiety and in after years the majority of them regret having reached it, his 21st birthday. His parents, wishing to remember his advent into the ranks wherein the word "Mr." is prefixed to our names and in anticipation of this suspicious event sent out invitations to a small number of the young gentleman's intimate friends, and among invited guests, being "ye local" and his better half, to come and partake of their hospitality on Saturday evening. The guests began to gather at the house at early twilight and after passing an hour in social nonsense at 7 o'clock the company were invited into the dining room where we found a great long dining table draped in snowy linen and to use a vulgar phrase, it was loaded down to the hub with one of those old fashioned country suppers such as our mothers used to give us and such a one as only Mother Shively only knows how to prepare, everything and plenty of it, both good and substantial that the inner man might crave; pies, cakes, pastry meats, chicken and piles of floury flakes of snow white bread such as we read about but seldom see and peaches, pears, cherries and other dainties for desert with one of mother's delicious cups of coffee to wash it down. If any one left the hospitable board without finding plenty to suit his taste it was his own fault. After eating enough to satisfy us for a week we, with the assembled company repaired to other rooms where the evening was pleasantly spent in music, songs and games. During the evening festivities liquid refreshments with cake were served; and all went merry as a marriage ball. The hour for departure arrived all too soon, but as the old saying is, "the best of friends must sometimes part and the bond of friendship cut in twain", the company at 10 o'clock began to disperse wishing the genial young host many pleasant returns of the evening and that he might be spared to live his allotted time, four score years and ten, before being called to a better home.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
William E. Shiveley (Shively) And Wife, Estella Jane Reid, Who Lived In Clinton County, Ohio
William E. Shiveley (Shively) was born 5-July-1874 in Adams County, Ohio and died 22-May-1957 in Clinton County, Ohio. He was the son of Daniel Shiveley (born 1-June-1838, died 7-October-1925) and Nancy Margaret Hamilton (1850-1930). Daniel Shiveley was the son of James Shiveley (1811-1873) and Mary Elizabeth Westbrook (1809-1866). William E. Shiveley was married on 6-October-1904 to Estella Jane Reid.
Located in The Daily News-Journal, Wilmington, Ohio, Friday, October 1, 1954, Page 6, Column 1:
Mr. and Mrs. Shively To Celebrate Golden Wedding
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Shively, 413 South Mulberry street, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary, Sunday, with a family dinner at noon and open house from 2 to 4 p.m. They were married Oct. 6, 1904, at West Union. Their three children, Edgar Shively and Mrs. M. S. Trickler, of Wilmington, and Mrs. W. W. Reno, of Hillsboro, will be with them for the celebration. Friends and relatives are cordially invited to call at the home on Sunday afternoon.
Extracted from The Wilmington News-Journal, Thursday, May 23, 1957, Page 2, Column 6:
William E. Shiveley
William E. Shively, 82, of 413 S. Mulberry St., died Wednesday at 11:50 p.m. at Clinton Memorial Hospital, where he had been a patient since suffering a broken hip May 1.
The son of Daniel and Nancy Hamilton Shively, he was born at Blue Creek in Adams county, July 5, 1874 and was married Oct. 6, 1904 to Miss Estella J. Reid, who survives. He was a member of the First Baptist Church. Mr. Shiveley, a retired watchmaker, had lived in Wilmington for 13 years.
In addition to his widow, he is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Elva Trickler of Wilmington and Mrs. Ethel Reno of Hillsboro; one son, Edgar R. Shiveley of Wilmington; one sister, Miss Hattie Shiveley of Manchester, six grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. at the West Union Baptist Church and interment by Reynolds Funeral Home will be in the West Union IOOF cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home Friday from 2 to 4 and from 7 to 9.
The newspaper obituary for William Shiveley's wife was located in The Wilmington News-Journal, Monday, March 17, 1969, Page 2, Column 1:
Mrs. Estella Shively
Mrs. Estella Jane Shiveley, 92, 413 S. Mulberry St., died of complications Sunday at 12:05 p.m. at Lucas nursing home, Wilson Rd. She had been ill the past five years. She was married to William Shiveley, who died in 1957.
She was born Oct 1, 1876 in Adams County, the daughter of James G. and Martha McClughen Reid. She was a member of Clinton County Senior Citizens and the First Baptist Church.
Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Elva Trickler of this city, Mrs. Ethel (Wasson) Reno of Hillsboro; a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Edgar Shively, this city; two sisters, Miss Sara Reid of West Union, Mrs. Lucy McClanahan of Columbus; five grandsons, one granddaughter, 17 great-grandchildren and one great-grandchild. Three brothers and three sisters preceded her in death.
Services will be conducted by the Rev. Fred McCloskey and the Rev. Edward Geisler Wednesday at 1 p.m. at Reynolds-Sulcer funeral home. Burial will be in West Union Cemetery. Calling hours will be Tuesday from 3 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. at the funeral home.
Thursday, October 9, 2014
Alice Carey Shively And Her Husband Melville Moore Waite From Michigan To Kings County, New York
A. J. Shrively is listed
on the 1880 Brooklyn, Kings County, New York census record. He is living
at 247 Carlton Avenue. In the household is his wife, daughter Alice C age
21, daughter "May" L age 19, daughter Grace J age 8, servant Minnie
O'Rorke and servant Annie Quinn. Arthur Shirley is listed on the 1875 New
York State Census, Brooklyn, Kings County at 247 Carlton Avenue. In the
household are wife Minerva age 45, daughter Alice C age 17, daughter Mari E age
15, daughter Grace J age 3, Lambert C. Tree age 34, servant Minnie ORook age 22
and servant Annie Collins age 20. Andrew J. Shively is listed in the 1874
Brooklyn City Directory, living at 247 Carlton Avenue, business in dry
goods at 384 Broadway, N.Y. He continues to be listed in the city
directories at this address. On the 1888 Brooklyn City Directory, he is listed
as living at 10 S. Oxford, a lawyer at 328 Broadway in N.Y. On the 1892 Brooklyn, Kings County, New York state census, living at 10 South Oxford is the family of Andrew J Shively retired, wife Minervia F, daughter Alice C. Waite, daughter Mary E. Bainbridge, daughter Grace J. Shively, son-in-law Melville M. Waite a salesman, son-in-law Wilson Bainbridge a salesman, grandson Clarence M. Waite, granddaughter Alice A. Waite, grandson Carlton R. Bainbridge, grandson Sherman J. Bainbridge, Winnie O'Rourke cook, Annie Hellbridge waitress, Katie O'Leary nurse and Charles Larrence coachman.
A glimpse into the Brooklyn social life of daughter Alice C. Shively is found in newspaper articles. In The Brooklyn Daily Eage, Sunday, December 18, 1881, Page 4, Column 8:
SHIVELY--Miss Carrie A. Shively has returned to her home on Carlton avenue, from an extensive tour through Europe. She has visited Switzerland, England, Austria, Italy, Germany, France and other parts of Europe. A large quantity of flowers were sent to her as greetings on her return.
The noun german is defined as an intricate dance for many couples. Secondly it is a party for dancing at which this dance is featured. Extracted from The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sunday Morning, April 15, 1883, Page 2, Column 5:
German On The Hill
On Friday evening last a german was tendered to Miss Alice Cary Shively at her residence, No. 247 Carlton avenue, by a few friends. The floral display was in excellent taste and the favors, which were useful and elegant, consisted of oxidized spiders, Japanese fans and alligator skin sachems, for the ladies together with silver plated match safes and Japanese cigarette cases for the gentlemen. The guests were received by Mrs. and Miss Shively. The german was led by H. H. Hickcox and Miss Robinson. Among those present were Misses Carrie Tuttle, Shively, Tuttle, Hart, Pollard, Keyser, Jones, Wilson and Danby, Mr. and Mrs. Bainbridge and Messrs. W. H. Cooper, W. K. Knox, T. A. Coale, Samuel Johnson, Oscar V. Dougherty, William Rogers Jr., Joseph D. Mitchell, Henry Hall, H. G. Crandale, Benjamin Howard, F. Irving, Maguire, Waite, Honeymon and Blakemore.
From The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sunday, October 26, 1884, Page 8, Column 4:
The marriage of Mr. Melville More Waite to Miss Alice Carey Shively, daughter of Mr. A. J. Shively, of Carlton avenue, took place Wednesday afternoon. The affair was strictly private, comprising only the immediate families of the bride and groom. The ceremony was preformed by Rev. Dr. Waite, of Sparkill, on the Hudson. The best man was Mr. Frank Waite. The bride was given away by her father. The presents were elegant. The happy couple left for an extensive tour, taking in Montreal and Quebec on their return.
In The Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sunday, November 9, 1884, Page 8, Column 7:
Mr. Melville M. Waite, of the firm of Hurd, Waite & Co., has just returned from his wedding tour with his bride. They made a circuit of the norther part of the State, taking in the St. Lawrence River and Canada.
Friday, October 3, 2014
Jacob Lowe Shively And Wife Clara Edith Morris From Pennsylvania To Ohio To Illinois
Jacob Lowe Shively was born on 14-Sep-1855 in Pennsylvania and died 11-Aug-1933 in Knoxville, Knox County, Illinois. He was the son of Jacob Shively and Harriet Lowe. Jacob Lowe Shively was married to Clara Edith Morris daughter of Isaac Morris and Mary Thomas on 21-Nov-1890. Clara Morris was born ca 1865 and died 29-Nov-1942 in Knoxville, Knox County, Illinois. Jacob and Clara are listed on the 1930 and 1920 Knox County, Illinois census records. They are listed on the 1910 Henry County, Illinois census records.
Extracted from the Hamilton Journal - The Daily News, Hamilton, Ohio, Monday, August 14, 1933, Page 5, Column 4:
Rev. Shively Rites Held At Knoxville
The funeral of the late Rev. J. L. Shively, former Butler county resident, was held from the Methodist church of Knoxville, Ill., Friday afternoon in charge of Rev. W. F. Day, pastor of the church, who paid a fine tribute to deceased with whom he had been associated for the past three years.
Dr. T. E. Newland, former district superintendent and now pastor of the First Methodist church of Galesburg, Ill., gave the sermon, and in his remarks referred to Rev. Shively, as a man who had lived the life of a cultured Christian gentleman.
Twenty-seven ministers of the Galesburg district occupied the choir loft, Rev. C. L. W. Smith giving the prayer and Rev. Blue and Rev. Boswell reading the Scripture. A male quartet rendered favorite selections of the deceased "Some Day the Silver Cord Will Break" and "In The Sweet Bye and Bye". The pall bearers were officials of the Knoxville church. The floral tributes were numerous and beautiful.
Pastor In Butler County
Rev. Shively was born in Westmoreland Co., Pennsylvania, September 14, 1855. His father died when he was six months old, when he and his mother went to make their home with his grandparents. He attended Mt. Pleasant Academy and taught four years in the Huntington township schools. In 1875 he entered Mt. Union College and in 1876 he became a freshman in Ohio Wesleyan University where he graduated. In 1882 he entered Boston University School of Theology and in 1881 joined the Cincinnati conference of the Methodist Episcopal church serving the following charges: Walker-Union, Carthage, Middletown, Easton, Madisonville and Lebanon.
He was married in 1888 to Clara E. Morris, daughter of the late Isaac K. Morris, and of this union four children survive as follows: Miss Harriet Shively, of Knoxville, Ill.; Mrs. Mary Lou Knight, and Mrs. Margaret Legette, both of Detroit, Mich., and Morris Lowe Shively, an officer of the U. S. Marine corps, stationed at Quantico, Va.
Returned To Illinois
In 1904 he moved with his family to Santa Fe, N.M., going there for the health of the eldest daughter, Myra, who died after a stay of a year and one-half. During his two-year stay as pastor of St. John's Methodist church of Santa Fe he was chaplain of the house of representatives.
In 1906 he was transferred to the central Illinois conference and served the following charges: Genesen, Bushnell, Knoxville, Odell, Viola, Vermont and Prairie City. In September, 1928, upon completion of 44 years of active service he retired in Knoxville, Ill., where resided at the time of his death August 8, 1933.
The interment was made in Knoxville cemetery, the short service being a most impressive one.
The newspaper obituary for Clara Morris Shively was found in The Hamilton Journal - The Daily News, Monday, November 30, 1942, Page 13, Column 8:
Mrs. Clara Shively Dies In Illinois
Mrs. Clara Edith Shively, widow of Rev. J. L. Shively, died Sunday morning in Knoxville, Ill. She was a former resident of Butler county, having been born east of Hamilton in the district then known as Pleasant View and was the oldest daughter of Isaac and Mary Thomas Morris, a widely-known pioneer family.
Mrs. Shively was married to Rev. Shively November 21, 1890, and they lived in Middletown, Eaton, and Lebanon, until Reverand Shively accepted a pastorate in the Methodist church in Las Vegas, N.M., where they remained for a short time because of the health of their oldest daughter, Myra. For 30 years they had resided in Illinois.
Reverend Shively died August 8, 1933, and a daughter and son also preceded Mrs. Shively in death. Mrs. Shively leaves three daughters, Mrs. Hale Knight, Chevy Chase, Md., Mrs. Reginald Leggette, Detroit, Mich., and Miss Harriet Shively, Knoxville, Ill.; a son, Lieut. Col. Morris L. Shively, United States marines, stationed in California; one brother, L. B. Morris, La Fontaine, Ind., and a sister, Mrs. H. H. Marsh, Seven Mile. Burial will be in Knoxville.
Saturday, September 27, 2014
John Wesley Shively And Wife, Ada Armenta Karns, From Vinton County, OH To Caldwell County, MO To Washington County, AR
John W. Shively was born ca.1850 in Hocking County, Ohio and died 10-December-1917 in Washington County, Arkansas. He was the son of David Shively and Rachel Amy Bell who can be found on the census records of Vinton County, Ohio. John was married, this being possibly a second marriage, on 23-January-1883 in Caldwell County, Missouri to Addah A Karns. (On the 1910 Washington County, Arkansas census John is listed with Addia as his second marriage, her first). Ada Armenta Karns was born 10-January-1867 in McArthur, Vinton County, Ohio and died 7-August-1956 in Harrisonville, Cass County, Missouri. She was the daughter of Nicholas Karns and Mary Louise Dennison. Listed on the 1900 Gomer Township, Caldwell County, Missouri census is the household of John Shively born April 1850, wife Adda A born January 1867, son Arthur N born October 1883, son Lawrence D born February 1885, daughter Daisy I born February 1888, daughter Nellie L born May 1894, son John M born May 1896, grandfather James M Dennison born March 1817 and servant Perry Green born November 1873.
Located in The Fayetteville Democrat, Fayetteville, Arkansas, Thursday, December 13, 1917, Page 2, Column 4:
J. W. Shivley
Funeral services fro J. W. Shivley, aged 67, who died late Monday night at the Peel place, the family residence north of City Park, were held at the residence Wednesday morning at ten o'clock with the Rev. Ashley Chappell officiating. Interment was made in Evergreen Cemetery. Bruce Holcomb, Clyde Walters, Dr. J. R. Southworth, C. C. Yarrington, Best Lewis and Art Lewis served as pallbearers.
Mr. Shively and his family had resided here since October, coming here from Harris, where they had lived twelve years. The deceased was well known all over the county.
Deceased is survived by his widow and seven children, Mrs. Daisy Gaines of Lennox, Iowa; Lawrence, who has been away and unheard from for a few months and Arthur, Nellie, John, William and Clyde, who are at home.
The notice of the passing of the wife of John W. Shively was extracted from The Kansas City Star, Kansas City, Missouri, Thursday, August 9, 1956, Page 23:
SHIVELY--Mrs. Ada Armenta, age 89, passed away Aug. 7, at Harrisonville, Mo. Survived by 2 daughters, Mrs. R. D. Gaines, Lenox, Ia., and Mrs. R. N. Duncan, Cleveland, Mo.; 4 sons, John M. Shively, Warrensburg, Mo., A. N. Shively, Fayetteville, Ark., William R. Shively, Braymer, Mo., and Clyde F. Shively, 1103 E. 30th, K. C., Mo. Services 10 a.m. Thursday at the Methodist church, Braymer, Mo. Interment Evergreen cemetery, Fayetteville, Ark., 11 a.m. Friday. Geo. E. Myers Funeral Home, Cleveland, Mo.
Friday, September 19, 2014
Amos Jacob Shively And Wife Udora "Dora" Pettit Who Lived In Black Hawk County, Iowa And Marshall County, Iowa

The following news article was extracted from The Waterloo Evening Courier, Waterloo, Iowa, Monday, March 28, 1910, Page 7, Columns 3-4:
Waterloo People Who Expect Great Riches
The above people are chiefly concerned in the location and securing of a vast estate, amounting to many millions of dollars, in Plymouth, England. The tale is so strange as to be almost beyond belief. The principal heir in this city is Mrs. Jane Stroud Pettit. She and her husband, Irving Pettit, are both blind and are cared for by Mr. and Mrs. Amos J. Shiveley, residing at their home on Linden avenue near the city limits. Mrs. Shiveley is a daughter of Mrs. Pettit. Another family interested in Waterloo is that of W. E. Perkins, a son of Mrs. Shiveley.
Other heirs represented by a Waterloo attorney are Richard Stroud of Marble Rock and Henry Stroud of Kansas City.
Many years ago it is claimed an estate was founded in England by David Stroud. At his death a portion of the heirs were found and distribution of the wealth made in their cases. That which should come to the American heirs was held in trust. Mrs. Pettit and her two brothers, Richard and Henry, could not be located and when they were first informed of the good luck in store for them refused to credit. The founder of the estate was an uncle of the three people named as direct heirs.
Investigation has led the Waterloo attorney to place confidence in the report and he is in communication with a solicitor at Plymouth, England. Those who expect to profit by the distribution of the estate are borne up by excitement and naturally believe that the money will come to them quickly, but on the other hand the attorney is loth to believe that any great part of the estate will be received before many months, possibly two years. Mrs. Pettit and her two brothers trace a direct descent from a brother of David Stroud.
The heirs state that between twelve and fifteen millions of dollars are ready from immediate distribution and that the estate in all amounts to nearly fifty millions of dollars.
Another account regarding the issue was located in The Waterloo Evening Courier, Friday, March 25, 1910, Page 11, Column 4:
Prospects Of Great Wealth
Fortune Flirts With Several Waterloo People
Attorneys Engaged In Investigating Reported Estates Held In Trust
To have the prospect of shortly securing vast sums of money after having worked hard and been deprived of nearly all of the luxuries and even some of the necessities of life is held before a number of Waterloo people. Recently it came to the attention of Mrs. Amos J. Shiveley, residing on lower Lafayette street, that an estate valued at perhaps a million and a half of dollars was held in Plymouth, England awaiting the appearance of the rightful heirs. The estate is known as the Stroud estate. Mrs. Shiveley's maiden name was Stroud, being a granddaughter of the founder of the immense fortune. It appears that the mother of Mrs. Shiveley was notified of the existence of the fortune, but refused to credit the good luck in store for her. Later other inquiries were sent out and Mrs. Shiveley located. Other heirs that will probably participate in the division of the fortune are Frank and William Petitt and Mrs. Irving Petitt. For some time an attorney of the city has been investigating the matter, but so far no definite information has been imparted to those chiefly concerned.
W. E. Perkins, a motorman on the street car line, is a son of Mrs. Shiveley and participation in the wealth will bring much needed comfort to his home in which are a number of children.
"Luck" Very Generous
Not content with holding up this prospect before these people a recent advertisement in a newspaper asked for the location of one A. J. Shiveley, stating that an immense estate in Pennsylvania awaited the rightful claimant. This advertisement for some time passed unnoticed in this city, but friends finally took the matter up and called Mr. Shiveley's attention to it.
Mr. Shively has given the matter to an attorney to investigate, and it is hoped by friends of the family that the good fortune will not prove a myth. The Mr. Shiveley referred to in the second instance is the husband of Mrs. Shiveley of the first part of the story. Mr. Shiveley is the step-father of Mr. Perkins.
Whatever comes of these reports the members of the family are loth to credit them until they see the actual coin in their hands, but it is certainly a pleasure to anticipate what might be done if all of them should suddenly become millionaires.
Amos J. Shively was born 22-Feb-1853 in Allen County, Ohio and died 24-Sep-1941 in Marshalltown, Marshall County, Iowa. The following newspaper obituary was located: Amos J. Shively, 1112 Bromely Street, a resident of this city since 1886, died at the Deaconess Hospital at 10:30 Wednesday Morning. He had been in poor health for the past three years and his last illness confined him to the hospital for two weeks. Death was due to age debility.
Mr. Shively was born in Allen County, Ohio, February 22, 1853, the son of Jacob and Sadona Shivley. His early years were spent in Ohio and later in Kansas. He married udora Perkins, June 12, 1884, at Stockton, Kansas. They lived there for eight years and then came to Marshalltown. Mrs. Shively died in Marshalltown in 1926.
There were three children born to Mr. & Mrs. Shivley. One daughter proceeded him in death, and surviving are: Mrs. Harley (Lillie) Carkhuff of Quarry and Mrs. Dewy Bailey of this city. There are also two step-sons, W. E. Perkins of Fredricksburg, and W. S. Perkins of this city. An adopted son, Clarence Shively of this city, 19 grandchildren and 17 great-grandchildren also survive.
Funeral services were held at the Pursel Funeral Home Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with burial in the Iowa River cemetery.
Udora "Dora" Petitt was born 30-Oct-1853 in Illinois and died 26-Mar-1926 in Marshalltown, Marshalltown County, Iowa. The newspaper obituary for her is as follows: Mrs. Udona Shively, wife of Amos Shively, 112 Bromely Street, died at the Deaconess Hospital at 11:40 Sunday night of pneumonia following a week long illness.
Mrs.Shively was born in Rockford, Ill, October 30th, 1853, daughter of William Petitt and Jane Strout Petitt. She was married to James Perkins whom she divorced. In 1883 she married Mr. Shively in Rooks County, Kansas. After making their home at Wichita, Kan. for eight years, Mr. & Mrs. Shively came to this city, which had since been their home.
Mrs. Shively is survived by her husband and five children, Walter E. and William Perkins, Mrs. Harley (Lillie) Carkhuff, Mrs. Julia Bailey and Clarence Shively of this city. Two brothers, Charles Petitt, of Fredericksburg, and Francis Petitt of Waterloo, and a sister Mrs. Mary Moody of Fredericksburg, also survive. Funeral services were held from the Persel-Davis Chapel Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Burial in Iowa River cemetery.
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