Sunday, December 26, 2021
Aaron Shively And Rachel Catherine Sechrist Who Lived In Columbiana County, Ohio
Saturday, December 11, 2021
Bert Dewey Shively Who Lived In Cedar County, Nebraska
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Albert Benjamin Shively And Medora "Dora" Harriet Loveland Who Lived In Cedar County, Nebraska
Sunday, November 21, 2021
William David Shively And Salina "Lina" Susanna Hess In Cumberland County, PA
William David Shively was born on 20-Nov-1865 and died on 4-Jan-1921 in Cumberland County, PA. William was the son of Simon and Rosanna Hefelbower Shively. Simon Shively was born on 14-Apr-1833 and died 10-Oct-1896 in Newville, Cumberland County, PA. Simon Shively was married to Rosanna Hefelbower who was born 13-Sep-1829 and died 17-Dec-1907. Simon Shively was the son of David Shibley (Shively) who was born 30-Oct-1805 in Perry County, PA and died 30-Mar-1876 in Cumberland County, PA and Elizabeth Clay who was born 17-Aug-1805 and died 3-Sep-1854. David was the son of Peter Shively and Christiana Linn.
William David Shively married Salina “Lina” Susanna Hess on 11-May-1899 in Cumberland County, PA. Lina was born on 21-May-1866 in Cumberland County and died on 28-Aug-1947 in Cumberland County. She was the daughter of Thomas Hess and Agnes Goodhart.
Listed on the 1880 Newville Borough, Cumberland County, PA census is the family of Simon Shively age 47, wife Rosanna age 50, daughter Florence B. age 16, son William D. age 14, daughter Laura K. age 13, and son Harvey H. age 8. Listed on the 1900 Dickinson Township, Lower Precinct, Cumberland County, PA census is William D. Shively born Nov-1865 age 34 and wife Lina S. born May-1865 age 34. Located on the 1910 Cumberland County, PA census is the family of William D. Shivley age 44, wife Lina S. age 43, son Lester H. age 6 and mother-in-law Agnes Hess age 73.
Located in The Valley Times-Star, Newville, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, May 14, 1975, Page 5, Column 2:
How I Remember Newville From 50 to 60 Years Ago
By Samuel Burkholder
(From the records it is known the Shively’s lived at 112 Fairfield Street)
Part XVIII Fairfield Street
After Mrs. William A. Shively’s husband died, she and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shively moved to this big house. Mrs. William Shively was Lina S. Hess, born 1865, died 1920. They had only the one son. Mrs. Lina Shively also kept house for awhile for Mr. and Mrs. Amaziah Weaver when they lived on the farm below Newville. She also lived with Mr. Weaver and his daughter, Grace, after they had moved after the death of Mrs. Laura Shively Weaver. She also did washing and ironing and housecleaning for people.
This big house was then sold to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shively and they made two houses out of it and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Shively and their young son lived in one side and his mother in the other side till her death.
Extracted from The Sentinel, Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Thursday, January 6, 1921, Page 4, Columns 5-6:
William Shively died at his home near Jacksonville, aged 56. He was employed by J. P. Myers at the Longsdorf warehouse and is survived by his wife and son Lester. Mr. Shively was a member of Carlisle Council Order of Independent Americans and of the Newville Patriotic Order of Sons of America. Acute indigestion is given as the cause of his death.
Funeral services will be held Friday morning at ten o’clock. Interment in Newville.
Located in The Valley Times-Star, Newville, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, September 3, 1947, Page 2, Column 4:
Mrs. Lina Hess Shively
Mrs. Lina Hess Shively died Thursday morning at the home of her son, Lester, at 112 Fairfield Street, at the age of 81 years. She was a member of the Centerville Lutheran Church and was a life-long resident of Cumberland County.
In addition to her son she is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Eva Mumper, of Mechanisburg and Mrs. Mary Goodhart, of Centerville; one grandson and seven nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were conducted by Rev. Darrell F. Stone of Mechanisburg, on Sunday morning at 10:30 o’clock from the Rearick Funeral Home. Burial was in the Newville Cemetery.
Sunday, October 10, 2021
Sarah Elizabeth Shively Waugh Who Died In Colorado Springs, El Paso County, Colorado
Sarah Elizabeth Shively was born on 3-Aug-1846 in Ohio and died 29-Feb-1936 in Colorado Springs, El Paso County, CO. Sarah is buried in the Evergreen Cemetery, Colorado Springs, CO. She was the daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth Shively. She was a sister to Alexander Potter Shively (see Shively blog article written on 5-Sep-2021) and William Beaser Shively (see Shively blog article written on 23-Jul-2011). Sarah Elizabeth Shively married Robert Waugh on 31-Oct-1866. Robert was born on 3-Mar-1838 in Brook County, WV and died on 10-May-1929.
Listed on the 1870 Center Township, Henry County, IA census is the household of Robert Waugh age 31, wife Lizzie age 24, son Robert E age 2, father D.B. Waugh age 69, House worker Hannah Howe age 15 and farm worker Edmund Chenaur age 18. Listed on the 1880 Center Township, Henry County, IA census are Robert Waugh age 43, wife Elizabeth age 31, son Earnest age 11, son David C. age 8, daughter Ethel M. age 2, daughter Clara E. age 2, father David B. Waugh age 79, father-in-law Daniel Shively age 83 and mother-in-law Elizabeth Shively age 76. On the 1900 Precint 27, Colorado Springs, El Paso County, CO are Robert Waugh born Mar-1838 age 62 mining man, wife Sarah E. born Aug-1846 age 53 married 33 years, son Clyde D. born Feb-1879 age 21, daughter Clara E. born Sep-1877 age 22, son-in-law Joseph F. Lilly born Feb-1869 age 31, daughter Ethel born Sep-1877 age 22 married 1 year, roomer Dr. Frank Crane born Jan-1840 age 59, roomer Anna Crane born Jun-1844 age 55, roomer Lyman Hamlin born Aug-1877 age 22, roomer Harry C. Converse born Feb-1875 age 24, roomer Zoe D. Underhill born Mar-1848 age 52 and maid Mary Murkog born Jan-1867 age 33. Robert and Elizabeth Waugh are listed on the 1910 and 1920 Colorado Springs, El Paso County, CO census records.
The following newspaper obituary was found in The Duchesne Courier, Duchesne, Utah, Friday, May 17, 1929, Page 1, Column 6:
Maj. Robert Waugh Died At Colo. Springs
Former Indian Agent at Whiterocks Passes Away After Short Illness
Major Robert Waugh, 91, one of the oldest Civil war veterans in the state of Colorado and well known in the Ulntah basin, having been Indian agent here from 1890 to 1893, and the father of R. E. Waugh of Myton, died at the family residence at Colorado Springs the latter part of last week following a short illness. Major Waugh, who was regarded as one of the grand old men of the Grand Army of the Republic, celebrated his ninty-first birthday, March 3, this year.
Major Waugh was born in Brook county, West Virginia, March 3, 1838. His father's farm was partly in West Virginia and partly in Virginia. He was educated in the district normal school there and at Alexander academy.
He voted for Abraham Lincoln for president and, then the latter declared a state of war existed between the United States and the Confederate States of America, enlisted in the Union army. He saw service with the First West Virginia volunteer Infantry, Company B. He served with the Union force for three and a half years, receiving a commission.
Following the Civil war he entered the Indian service of the government. He was United States agent at Whiterocks from 1890 to 1892 inclusive. He moved to Colorado Springs in 1894 and has resided there ever since.
Major Waugh was prominent in the affairs of the G. A. R. He has been commander of the past and wrote much valuable history in a great 27 pound book which was presented to the post by the late Winfield Scott Stratton and which is to preserve the biographies of the members of the post.
He is survived by his widow, Sarah Elizabeth Shively Waugh, whom he married October 31, 1866. Besides the widow two sons, Robert Ernest Waugh of Myton, and David Clyde Waugh of Colorado Springs and two daughters, Miss Clara Elizabeth Waugh of Colorado Springs and Mrs. J. F. Lilly of Glendale, Calif., survive.
Many thanks go to Toni Miller, Library Associate in the Special Collections, at the Penrose Library in Colorado Springs for locating the newspaper obituary for Sarah Elizabeth Shively Waugh. Extracted from the Colorado Springs Gazette, Sunday, March 1, 1936, Page 1, Column 4:
Mrs. Sarah E. Waugh Expires At Her Home
Widow of Maj. Robt. Waugh
Came To City in 1895; No Funeral Plans Yet
Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Waugh, widow of Major Robert Waugh, died at 6 o'clock yesterday afternoon at her residence, 6 Boulder Crescent. Mrs. Waugh, who came to Colorado Springs 41 years ago, was born August 3, 1846, at Steubenville, O.
She was married to Major Waugh in 1866. He died here May 10, 1929.
Mrs. Waugh was a member of the First Presbyterian church and also of the Women's Bible class of that church.
She is survived by two sons, Robert Ernest Waugh of Myton, U., and D. Clyde Waugh of Colorado Springs, and two daughters, Clara Elizabeth Waugh and Mrs. J. F. Lilly of Glendale, Calif.
Funeral arrangements are being made by the Decker mortuary.
Sunday, September 5, 2021
Alexander Potter Shively And Elizabeth Cline (Klein) Who Lived In Utah, Nevada And Oregon
Alexander Potter Shively was born in May-1839 in Steubenville, Jefferson County, OH and died 23-Oct-1912 in Malhuer County, OR. He was the son of Daniel and Elizabeth Shively. For information on WIlliam Beaser Shively who was a brother to Alexander Potter Shively see the Shively blog article written on 23-Jul-2011. Alexander married Elizabeth "Lizzie" Cline (Klein). Elizabeth was born on 23-Aug-1845 and died 10-Apr-1900 in Ogden, Weber County, UT.
Listed on the 1870 Curlew Valley, Box Elder County, Territory of Utah census are James Shively age 25, wife Sarah A age 23, daughter Ida age 6, daughter Lotta age 1, and farm laborer John B. Howel age 12. The next entry is Alexander Shively age 30 and wife Elizabeth age 24. Located on the 1880 White Pine County, NV census are Alex P. Shively age 41 occupation miner, wife Lizzie age 33, daughter Jessie M. age 8, son Delbert F. age 6 and daughter Mable L. age 3. On the 1800 Bryan Precinct, Elko County, NV census is the household of Delbert Shively born May-1874 age 26 occupation miner placer, wife Inez V. born Mar-1880 age 20, daughter Winnifred born Sep-1899 age 8 month, father Alexander P. born May-1839 age 61 widowed, and partner Pinkard P. Prunty born Aug-1881 age 18.
Children of Alexander and Elizabeth Shively included at least Jessie Marzetta Shively born 4-Feb-1872 in Corrine, Box Elder County, UT, died 12-Sep-1954 Salem, Marion County OR and married on 22-Oct-1893 to Alexander D. Penrod; Delbert Frank Shively born 9-May-1874 and died on 27-Jul-1950 in Placer County, CA, married on 25-Oct-1898 in Elko, Elko County, NV to Inez Prunty (she married 2nd E. H. Mackley); Mable Shively who died in 1880 in a wagon accident.
The following article was extracted from The Pioche Record, Pioche, NV, Saturday, July 24, 1880, Page 3, Column 3: FATAL RUNAWAY ACCIDENT. -- From Wash Woodbury, who arrived in Ward this morning, me learn of a runaway accident in Spring Valley Tuesday last, resulting in the death of Mable Shively, daughter of A. P. Shively, a former resident of this place. Mrs. Shively left Silver Canyon Tuesday for Spring Valley in a wagon with her three children. While going down the steep bank of a creek in the valley she attempted to put on the brake, but missing it, fell out and was run over. This frightened the team, which ran away. The oldest children jumped out at different times and were separated. Mable, who is about three years old, it is thought, was thrown out. Search was immediately made for the children and all found, except the last named, on the day of the accident. The search was renewed Wednesday, and Mr. Odgers, who secured the services of a numb22er of Indians, succeeded in finding her dead body fifteen miles from where the horses started. Her injuries being slight, it is thought she died from fright or exhaustion. Mrs. Shively was seriously injured by being run over. --Ward Reflex.
The newspaper obituary for Elizabeth Cline (Klein) Shively was found in the Weekly Independent, Elko, Nevada, Friday, April 27, 1900, Page 3, Column 3:
Mrs. Elizabeth Shiveley, at Ogden, Utah, Tuesday, April 10, 1900 at 1:30 in the morning.
Her funeral took place from the home of her sister, Mrs. Pierce, in Ogden, Thursday the 12th.
She leaves a husband and two children---Jessie, (Mrs. Alexander Penrod of Ogden) and Delbert, now living in Bruneau Valley, Nevada. She had been a sufferer for years and her death resulted from cancer. SInce October last she has been in Ogden for treatment, though since 1887 the family lived in Nevada, mostly in Elko. On Christmas Day of '87 she and her husband united with the Elko Presbyterian Church. She died in its communion after years of hard and faithful service for the Master, whom she devotedly loved, and whose work she never tired of doing. The church and society have missed her faithful and cheerful help from the first, but she united in service for the Master wherever her lot was cast.
Her family and many friends feel keenly their loss in her going. But when they realize that her sorrows and sufferings are past, and that she lives where all tears are wiped away, they would not recall her tired and afflicted body back to earth, even if they could. Her husband was for years a faithful and honored elder in the session of the Elko church, and in everything she was his trusted helpmate. Her faith in God was firm and constant, enabling her to set a good example to her children, who have felt safe in following here steps, as she walked near the Christ, and now, that she is gone, her children rise up and call her blessed, as so often they did in her lifetime.
With a host of other friends, the present Pastor of the Elko church, desires to offer to the family all christian sympathy and every Christly help. May the Lord bless thee and keep thee and give thee peace. J. A. M.
The following was found in the Daily Independent, Elko, Nevada, Friday, November 1, 1912, Page 3, Column 4:
Mr. A. P. Shively
A letter from Alex Penrod, dated at Malheur, Oregon, October 26th, brings the news of the death of Mr. A. P. Shively, a former resident of Elko, on the 23d of this month from cancer of the throat after suffering nearly three years from that terrible disease. During that time he tried physicians in California and other states, but received no aid. His wife died at Ogden May 10, 1900, of cancer.
Mr. Shively was born in Steubenville, Ohio, May 4, 1839. He came west residing in Nevada most of the time until five years ago. He died at the home of his daughter, Mrs. A. D. Penrod. A son, Bert Shively, of Winnemucca and Mrs. Penrod of Malheur, Oregon, survive him.
Most of the old timers of Elko will remember, Mr. Shively. He lived here several years and was highly respected by everybody. His children, Bert and Jessie, now Mrs. Penrod, attended school here. In his death, Oregon, has lost a good citizen and the surviving children a loving father. TO them, we tender the sincere sympathy of their Elko friends.
Saturday, August 21, 2021
William H. Shivley And Jennie Pring In Franklin County, VA, Beaver County, PA and Greene County, PA
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William H. Shivley PA Death Certificate |
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Michael Shively In What Is Now Monongalia County, West Virginia
A Shively researcher working on Michael Shively who lived in what is now Monongalia County, WVA is asking for additional help. It is known that Michael Shively made a claim in 1774 for 302 acres on Scotts Mill Run which is now Monongalia County, WVA. This land adjoined Abraham Harding. A survey of this land was done bearing date of 17-Aug-1786 and on 8-Jul-1788 conveyed to John Shively heir at law of Michael Shively, deceased. On 15-Mar-1792 John Shively of Nelson County and State of Virginia (now Kentucky) sold the 302 acres to Abraham Harden (Harding) of Monongalia County, Virginia (now West Virginia).
It is a theory not yet proven with fact that this Michael Shively may have been killed by Native American Indians in KY. Also unproven with fact but believed is that John Shively, Michael Shively and Jacob Shively who are listed in the cabin of Richard Dean on the 2-Aug-1791 Nelson County, KY Tithable List are the sons of this Michael Shively. Further not proven is the wife of Michael Shively was Hannah Harding.
On 24-Aug-1832 in Green County, KY Michael Shively testified that "that during the Revolutionary War he resided in Pennsylvania near the Monongahela River and that then and there he was acquainted with Thomas Harding who now resides in Green County, KY and that from what he then heard and knew during the Revolutionary War, he believed that the said Thomas Harding was employed most of his time for several years in the service of his country as a soldier and that he knows that the said Thomas Harding was absent from his place of residence most of the time for several years, and that he understood that the said Thomas Harding was engaged in the service as a soldier during his absence from the neighborhood in which he resided"....
There is much information connecting the Shively, Harden and Harding families in an account written by Jack Hardin, Jr. entitled History Of The Hardin Family in the Early Settling of Kentucky which was published by Baptist World Publishing Company, Louisville, KY in 1915. The account tells the story of the move of fifteen families composed entirely of kindred by blood or marriage to Kentucky on two flat boats starting in March-1780. They bade farewell to their old homes and floated down the Monongahela, many of them never to see the proposed new homes. All went well until the 20-March-1780 when near the mouth of the Limestone they were furiously attacked by a large force of Indians. Having lost a number of their warriors, killed and wounded, they were infuriated to the highest degree. They killed the wife and little child of Jacob Shively." Others were also killed by for this article am focused on the Shively's.
From additional information Shively was "only related by marriage. His wife was a Harding, a cousin to my Grandmother Hardin and my mother's father, Thomas Harding".
In May-1781 this Jacob Shively was burned at stake be the Native American Indians after he was captured during an attempt by the survivors of the 1780 attack on the flat boats to find their loved ones that had been captured.
It believed that the Jacob Shively mentioned was actually the Michael Shively who had lived in Monongalia County, WVA on Scotts Mill Run.
Another document which connects the Green County-Taylor County, KY Michael and Jacob Shively back to a Michael Shively is found in Green County, KY Deed Book 4, Page 43 which says "Michael Shively and Jacob Shively heirs of Michael Shively deceased both of Green County, KY do appoint William Kelso of Breckenridge County, KY to sell a certain tract of land in Fayette County, PA." This was dated 10-Aug-1803. No additional information could be found in Fayette County.
Please e-mail any additional information you might have to
Sunday, July 25, 2021
Jacob Shively (Scheiffele) And Mary Swindler In Jefferson County, KY
A Shively researcher recently ask for information on Jacob Shively who was found in the Kentucky records in the late 1790s. The research on Jacob Shively has unanswered questions. Any additional information on Jacob Shively who was in the very early records of Jefferson County, KY would be appreciated.
John Jacob Scheiffele (Shively) was born on 9-Jul-1751 and baptized on 17-May-1752 at Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church in York, PA. According to the record he was a son of John Michael Scheiffle. From the research of others it has been found that Jacob's name apears in the various records until 1826. Jacob Shively was married to Mary Swindler on 23-Dec-1800 in Jefferson County, KY. (Recorded in Jefferson County, KY Marriage Book 1, Page 38).
Mary Shively is listed on the 1830 Jefferson County, KY census (Page 167, Line 1) as being 70 to 80 years of age with 1 male age 20 to 30 and 1 female age 20 to 30. Who were the male and female listed with Mary on this 1830 census.
From research done by Gary Lane he wrote "it looks like Jacob Shively was clearly the first one of the Shivelys to arrive in Kentucky, in 1780. He pretty clearly was the prime mover with respect to obtaining land, getting land grants for himself and for Christian Shively and later was involved in the acquiring of Henry Shively's farm in Shelby (now Spencer) County. The fact that Jacob Shively is listed in Jefferson County, then Nelson, then Hardin may simply be an artifact of the times the counties formed and he could have been living in the same place all the time."
"Jacob Shively received a grant of 361 acres from Virginia on the Rolling Fork of Salt River. This grant was confirmed and reissued by the state of Kentucky on 30-Sep-1797. Jacob's land by 1797 lay in Harding County on Clear Creek (a tributary of Rolling Fork). Jacob first appears in court records on 5-Jun-1780 when he was listed as a voter in Jefferson County."
Extracted from Kentucky Grants, Book 8, Pages 325-326 "James Garrard esq Governor of Commonwealth of Kentucky to all whom these presents shall come...Greetings Know ye that by virtue and in consideration of a Land Office Treasury Warrant No 4233 there is granted unto Jacob Shively a certain tract or parcel of land containing three hundred and sixty one acres by survey bearing date thirtieth day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety seven and being in Harding County on Clear Creek a branch of the Rolling Fork bounded as followeth......
A deed found in Jefferson County, KY Deed Book 6, Page 377 mentions the sale of the above 361 acres from Jacob Shively and his wife, Mary, to Jesse Swindler. The deed states this indenture made this seventh day of March one thousand eight hundred and three. From the deed "also one other tract or parcel of land situated in Hardin County and State aforesaid on Clear Creek a branch of the Rolling Fork and on the Hunters Path and southside of the big clay lick containing three hundred and sixty acres be the same more or less entered surveyed and patented to the said Jacob Shively......
From the Shively history it is believed that Christian Shively, Jacob Shively and Henry Shively in early Jefferson County and Shelby County, KY were kin to Phillip Shively who remained in Monongalia County, now WVA). There are deeds in Jefferson County, KY that indicate Jacob Shively clearly knew Phillip Shively in "Monongahelia" County, VA (now WVA). From Jefferson County, KY Deed Book 8, Page 717 is a deed "This indenture made this seventh day of August one thousand eight hundred and ten between Jacob Shively and Polly his wife of the County of Jefferson and State of Kentucky of the one part and Michael Shively, son of Philip Shively of Monongahelia County and State of Virginia ......
If anyone has information to share regarding Jacob Shively found in the early Jefferson County, KY records please email to The new information then would be shared with the Shively researchers.
Saturday, July 17, 2021
William Sylvester Shively And Adaline Coberly Who Lived In Fresno County, California
Sunday, July 4, 2021
John Richard Shively And Nevada Walton Ford Who Lived In Missouri And Colorado
John Richard Shively was born 21-Jan-1853 in Jefferson County, OH and died 4-Dec-1935. He was the son of Jacob Shively (1827-1897) and Isabella Reed. For more information on Jacob and Isabella Shively see the Shively blog article written on December 9, 2016 and additional information on the article written on February 1, 2020. John Richard Shively married Nevada Walton Ford 13-Oct-1881. Nevada Ford was born on 3-May-1857 near Tipton, Moniteau County, MO and died 29-Jun-1936. Nevada Ford was the daughter of Alford T. Ford and Narcissus Jane Fisher.
The following newspaper article was extracted from The Tipton TImes, Tipton, Missouri, Friday, August 21, 1931, Page 1, Column 3:
To Celebrate Their Golden Wedding
Mr. And Mrs. John R. Shively Visit Former Home After Absence Of Twenty Years
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Shively, of Holly, Colo., parents of Mrs. Warren T. Martin, of east Tipton, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Martin, at whose home they will celebrate their Golden Wedding at a family reunion to be held Sunday, August 23. Mr. and Mrs. Shively are the parents of seven daughters and one son, all living.
All of the children will be present at the coming happy event: John R. Shively, Jr., Colorado Springs, Colorado, Mrs. Lloyd Day and son William, of Salt Lake City, Utah; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Foster and son, Shively Kent, of Kearney, Nebraska; Mr. and Mrs. George Beecher and daughter, Georgia, of Pueblo, Colorado; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Chase and two children, of North Girard, Pa.; Mrs. S. Malin, of Los Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Baker and daughter, of Jefferson City.
During the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Shively in the Tipton community many years ago, Mr. Shively engaged in farming and handling stock. They belong to prominent pioneer families. Their Golden Wedding date is looked forward to by their children, other kindred and friends, with bright anticipation as one of the happiest periods of their lives, and no doubt, it will be.
Additional information regarding the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. John Shively was found in The Tipton Tipton Times, Tipton, Missouri, Friday, August 28, 1931, Page 1, Column 3:
Celebrated Their Golden Wedding
The Martin Home, Sunday, Scene Of A Happy Gathering Honoring Mrs. Martin's Parents
Rarely has a more enjoyable social event occurred in this or any other community than was the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. John Shively which took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Martin on Sunday last week. A somewhat romantic feature of the marriage of these then young people may with propriety be related here. The long and disastrous drouth of 1881, which for length of duration and serious consequences in this locality had ended, exceeding the one recently endured, and seemingly the bung had been pulled out of the water barrel. Both parties were living in Howard county. On the day fixed for the wedding the groom arrived on horseback leading a horse for his bridge. Because of the continuous rain no other method of traveling was to be thought of, and of course the wedding was not to be deferred. The couple set off for a preacher, but the rain began and the creek began to rise, and instead of proceeding to the preacher's home they found a Justice of the Peace convenient and sitting on their horses with the rain coming down, they plighted their troth.
As gloomy as the beginning of this marriage appears to be, no one who saw the bright, handsome, gracious daughters, which with one son together with numerous grandchildren constitute the fruits of it, will question its success.
Only a few intimate friends, outside of relatives were present. Mr. and Mrs. Shively lived for several years in this vicinity and won the esteem of the entire community.
A higher testimonial of the love an esteem with which Mr. and Mrs. Shively are held by their daughters could hardly be thought of than is furnished in the fact that all of them were present, coming from as far west as California, and as far east as Pennsylvania,
The sumptious dinner served could scarcely be surpassed. And what an abundance. Old ham, fried chicken, delicious pies and cakes, attractive salads, oh well, think of everything you can that's good, and seemingly it was there to tempt the palate.
The following was found in The Tipton Times, Tipton, Missouri, Friday, December 6, 1935, Page 1, Column 3:
John Shively Dies--Was Native Of Ohio
Was Extensive Land Owner And Stock Farmer -- Had Retired Several Years Ago
The death Wednesday morning at four o'clock of John Richard Shively, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Warren T. Martin, three miles northeast of Tipton, removes one of the familiar and early-day residents of this community. Had he lived until January 21st, next month, he would have been 82 years old. Mr. Shively's death was caused from uremic poisoning.
Born in Ohio, Mr. Shively came to Missouri with his parents, Jacob and Isabel Shively, locating near Glasgow. He was the eldest of a family of twelve children. On October 12, 1881 he married Miss Nevada Ford, the marriage occurring in Chariton county. Mr. and Mrs. Shively located north of Tipton, where they owned and operated, on an extensive scale, a large, well-improved farm. Mr. Shively was one of the well-known feeders of the community.
Mr. and Mrs. Shively reared a fine family of ten children, two of whom died in infancy. Besides the widow the seven daughters and one son surviving are: Mrs. Warren T. Martin, Tipton; John Shively, Colorado Springs, Colo.; Mrs. Stanley Chase, North Girard, Pa.; Mrs. Clarence Foster, Carnie, Nebr.; Mrs. Lloyd Day, Salt Lake City, Utah; Mrs. Arthur Baker, Jefferson CIty; Miss Lula Shively, Los Angeles, Calif.; Mrs. George Beecher, Hinkley, Calif.
Four years ago Mr. and Mrs. Shively celebrated their fiftieth wedding anniversary, a memorable event in the lives of this highly respected couple.
Mr. Shively was noted for his fair dealing and for fine temperment his life being one of usefulness.
Funeral arrangements at this time are incomplete awaiting the arrival of the children.
The following newspapers obituary was taken from The Tipton Times, Tipton, Missouri, Friday, July 3, 1936, Page 1, Columns 4-5:
Mrs. John Shively Died At Her Home
Illness From Complications For Over A Year Claims Life Of Tipton Lady
The passing on Monday, June 29, 1936 of Mrs. John Shively, 79 years of age, removes a well-known Tipton lady. She had been ill for a year or more of complications and was only seriously ill a few weeks prior to her passing.
Funeral services were held at the Baptist church Tuesday afternoon Rev. G. M. Pierce officiating. The music consisted of a solo by Miss Thelma Martin and a duet by Miss Martin and Miss Helen Conn, Miss Mary Frances Collier accompanying at the piano.
Interment was in the Odd Fellows cemetery. The casket bearers were John Springer, Charles Robertson, A. M. Fry, Gregory Faherty, J. T. Renshaw, A. L. Collier.
Before her marriage to John Shively on October 13, 1881 Mrs. Shively was Miss Nevada Ford, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ford. She was born near Tipton May 3, 1857, and spent the greater part of her life in this community.
Five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Shively celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in Tipton. Mr. Shively, a veteran Tipton stockman, passed away in Tipton last December 4th.
Surviving are the following children, Mrs. Warren T. Martin of Tipton; Mrs. S. M. Chase, of North Girard, Pennsylvania; John Shively, of Colorado Springs, Colorado; Mrs. C. A. Foster, of Kearney, Nebraska; Mrs. L. H. Day, fo Denver, Colorado; Mrs. A. G. Baker, of Jefferson City; Mrs. Lula Malin, of Los Angeles, California and Mrs. George M. Beecher, of Kramer, California. Two children passed away in infancy.
Mrs. Shively was an excellent Christian lady. She was kindly and gracious in her every deed and her passing is mourned by a legion of friends,
Sunday, June 6, 2021
John Wesley Shively And Mary Ann Shirley Who Lived In Miami County, Kansas
John Wesley Shively was born on 23-Mar-1823 in Dubois County, IN and died on 13-Sep-1900 in Miami County, KS. He was the son of Jacob Banta Shively (1797-1868) and Anna Mavity (1799-1878). For more information on Jacob Banta Shively see the Shively blog article written on March 6, 2014. For information on Jacob Whitfield Shively who was the son of John Wesley Shively see the Shively blog article written on May 23, 2021. John Wesley Shively was married in May 1843 to Mary Ann Shirley. She was born on 24-Feb-1825 in Perry County, IN and died on 24-Nov-1891 in Miami County, KS.
Located on the 1860 Morris Township, Carroll County, MO census is the family of John W. Shively age 37, wife Mary A. age 35, son Jacob age 15, son William age 13, daughter Evaline age 9, son Joe age 6, son Lewis B. age 4, son Isaac age 2 and son Edmund age 1. Listed on the 1870 Peoria Township, Franklin County, KS census is the household of John W. Shively age 46, wife Mary A. age 45, daughter Evaline age 18, son Louis age 12, son Edmund age 8, son Samuel age 7 and son Charles age 4. The family is listed on the 1880 Cutler Township, Franklin County, KS census as W. John Shively age 57, wife A. Mary age 55, son W. Edwin age 20, son M. Samuel age 18, and son A. Charles age 13.
The following newspaper obituary was found in The Paola Times, Paola, Kansas, Thursday, September 20, 1900, Page 1, Column 3:
A Good Man Gone
In the death of Rev. John W. Shively, Miami county lost one of her best citizens, as he was a minister of the gospel of the Christian church for fifty years and a conscientious citizen. He died suddenly at Osawatomie, of heart failure last Thursday evening. He was born March 23, 1823 in Dubois county, Indiana; married in May 1843, and his wife died in Paola, Nov. 24, 1891. In 1845 he move to Cass county, Mo., then to Carrollton, in 1850 then to Manderville, the same State, and in 1869 moved to Kansas and in 1883 settled in Paola. He enlisted in 1861 in Co. D. 1st. Ks., Inf., and was mustered out in 1865. He leaves seven sons and one daughter, and many warm friends to mourn his death. He was buried in Paola, last Saturday at 2 p.m.
Another account of the death of John W. Shively was found in The Osawatomie Globe, Osawatomie, Kansas, Thursday, September 20, 1900, Page 1, Columns 1-2:
Death Of Mr. Shively
The sudden death of Elder J. W. Shively in this city last Friday morning was a shock to his many friends. Just how he came by his death is not clearly known but is the opinion of many that he died of heart disease. Others think that one of the horses by which he was found in Dr. Pace's barn where it is supposed he heard a noise and had gone to investigate, had knocked him down and was stepping on his hand, held him with his face on the ground until he smothered. His face was bruised a little and there were marks on his right hand and arm where it is supposed the horse stood. When found early Friday morning by Dr. Pace he was on his hands and knees and partly on his left side with his face flat down on the ground. He had evidently been there the greater portion of the night as he had all his clothes on. Mr. and Mrs. Pace, with whom he had been making his home, retired Thursday evening, leaving the old gentleman sitting on the porch as was his usual custom, and it is thought that he had heard some noise at the barn and went there to see what the trouble was. The Coroner was notified and came over Friday noon but concluded an inquest was not necessary.
John W. Shively was born in Indiana March 23d, 1823, and at the age of 37 years he entered the ministry and it can truthfully be said of him there never was a more earnest and constant christian worker. To be in church work was his highest ambition. The Christian church here and at Paola besides many other churches in this state, owe their existence to his untiring work. When the First Kansas Regiment was organized during the civil war he inlisted as a private and served until the close.
For many years Mr. Shively lived at Paola, but since the death of his wife which occurred about nine years ago, he has made his home most of the time with his children of which there are seven sons and one daughter. He had made plans to go and live with his son William at Nelson, Nebraska, and intended to leave for that point last Monday.
Short services were held at the Dr. Pace residence last Saturday morning at 11 o'clock and the remains were taken to Paola where services were held at the Christian church at 2 o'clock, conducted by Rev. T. P. Haley of Kansas City. The burial took place in Paola cemetery..
The following was extracted from The Miami Republican, Paola, Kansas, Friday, November 27, 1891, Page 3, Column 3:
Mrs. Shively Dead
Mrs. Mary Ann Shively, wife of Elder John W. Shively, died at her home in Paola, after a very brief illness, Tuesday evening, November 24th, at 9:30 p.m. The deceased was 66 years of age, was born in Perry co., Indiana, and was the daughter of William Shirley. She was married to John W. Shively January 14th, 1843, and had she lived until one year from next January she would have celebrated with her husband their golden wedding. She moved with her husband from her native State and located in Cass co., Missouri. In 1845, then moved to Carroll co., in 1855, then to Kansas in 1869. She had resided in Paola since 1883. She has been a member of the Christian church 46 years, having been baptized in Grand river, near Freeman, Mo. She kept and cared for six small children four years during the rebellion while her husband was in the union army. Two of her six children died when small and are buried at Mandeville, Mo. She leaves eight children to mourn her death --Jacob W., of Howard, Kas.; William H., Stanton, Kas.; Jackson A., Pittsburg, Kas.; Louis B., Burden, Kas.; Mrs. Eva Wilkinson, Winfield, Kas.; Edmond W., Salt Lake, Utah; Sam J., Paola, and Charles A., who is at present attending the State normal school at Emporia. All are married but the two latter, and the youngest member in the family is 25 years of age.
Mrs. Shively was in good health until almost the hour of her death and had attended to her household duties, her death being sudden and the result of an affection of the heart. She was a kind, motherly woman, who took a deep interest in her home and family, and her sudden death is a sad blow to her husband and children, to whom is extended the sympathy of their friends and neighbors. The funeral will take place at 2 o'clock today, from the Christian church.
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Jacob Whitfield Shively And Sarah Elizabeth Adamson Who Lived In Nuckolls County, Nebraska
Monday, May 3, 2021
James Richard Shively And Nancy Banta Who Lived In Spokane County, Washington
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James Richard Shively |