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William E. Shively |
William Elmer (Ellmore) Shively was born on 23-April-1882 a son John Henry Shively and Mary Ann Withers. He was baptized on 15-January-1883 at Saint John's Lutheran Church, Lykens, Dauphin County, PA. He died on 5-May-1944 and time at death was Sunbury, Northumberland County, PA. Burial was in the Mt. Carmel Cemetery, Northumberland County, PA. William E. Shively was married to Anna "Annie" Kreisher, daughter of George and Jennie Kreisher.
The picture at the left of William E. Shively was included with the following article extracted from the Mount Carmel Item, Tuesday, October 23, 1923, Page 6, Columns 1-2:
Wm. Shively For Sheriff
William Shively, of Kulpmont, who captured the Democratic nomination for High Sheriff of Northumberland county in one of the most interesting campaigns ever waged, is a typical man of the common people, and his fellow workers and neighbors are doing everything in their power to make his election in November a certainty.
Born in Lykens 41 years ago, William Shively came to Mount Carmel with his parents when he was six years of age. Eighteen years ago he lost an arm while working in the mines at Alaska.
Shortly after the accident that has sadly handicapped the young man, the Shively family moved to what is now the thriving borough of Kulmpmont, becoming the first settlers in that locality. Fifteen years ago the father and head of the family, John Shively, was killed in the mines of the Scott colliery.
Although he attended the elementary schools here, Mr. Shively is a self-educated man. All his life he has been a close student, and he has acquired a fund of useful information that fits him admirably for the duties of the high office he seeks.
Mr. Shively is now employed in the mins at the Scott colliery, and works side by side with able-bodied men, toiling to support his family. He has been a loyal member of the United Mine Workers for over twenty years.
We know that Mr. Shively is going to get a tremendous vote here, where we know him best, and if he is elected the county will have a splendid official.
The accident mentioned above was recorded in the Daily News, Mount Carmel, PA, Tuesday Evening, October 10, 1899, page 1, Column 5:
Boy's Awful Accident
William Shively, of Fifth and Vine streets, employed as a driver at the Alaska colliery, last evening had a narrow escape from losing his life. He attempted to sprag a wagon when he slipped and fell alongside the tracks, his left arm falling beneath the wheels. It was terribly crushed and he narrowly escaped bleeding to death. Miners who were in that section of the mines at the time went to his assistance and bandaged the member. He was removed to his home at eleven o'clock and Drs Williams and Millard amputated the arm at the shoulder. This afternoon he was resting easily.
The loss of his left arm did not seem to hamper William Shively as this article mentions he was a very capable baseball player. Located in the Mount Carmel Item, Monday, September 17, 1923, Page 6, Column 5:
Shively Asks For Your Vote
William Shively, Kulpmont, formerly of this city, is a strong candidate for the nomination of sheriff on the Democratic ticket. He has conducted a clean campaign and has a large number of friends who are doing all in their power to bring him in a winner.
Mr. Shively was handicapped early in life by the loss of his left arm. Twenty-four years ago while driving at Alaska colliery he fell under a car and was maimed for life. Despite his affliction he looked on the bright side of life and continued active.
As a youth he was interested in sports and developed into a wonderful baseball player. He was a resident of west Second street, this city, when he first sprang into fame as a pitcher and despite the face that he had but one arm he was also a heavy hitter.
Mr. Shively's friends feel that he has proven himself to be the kind of a man that is entitled to the consideration of the voters for their support. He is fully capable to perform the duties of the office he weeks to be nominated for. He is held in high esteem by every person who knows him and if elected can be depended upon to do his duty.
In 1928 Sheriff William Shively changed his public duty positions when he became County Treasurer. Transcribed from the Mount Carmel Item, Thursday, January 5, 1928, Page 1, Column 1:
County Begins Yr. With Nest Egg of $59,000
James Phillips, Retiring Treasurer, Turns Over Cash To Wm. Shively
Northumberland county is doing business at the old stand, corner of Second and Market street, Sunbury today with new hands on the purse strings.
William Shively, Kulpmont, former coal miner, who lost an arm in the hazardous occupation some years ago, stepped from the sheriff's to the treasurer's office next door, as James Phillips, who served four years as deputy treasurer stepped out.............
Treasurer Phillips and his wife, Mrs. Sadie Phillips, who has served four years, made an exceptional record in office. The detailed work of the treasurer's office was handled in a most efficient manner. Both Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are trained business executives of wide experience.
Treasurer Shively goes into office with his wife as deputy treasurer and Howard Wadrop of Shamokin, a nephew of the treasurer, as clerk...........
William Shively maintained an interest in public service as shown in this article from the Mount Carmel Item, Tuesday, March 31, 1942, Page 9, Column 8:
William Shively For State Committeeman
William Shively, formerly of Mount Carmel, now of Sunbury, R.D. 3 has filed his petition as a candidate for State Committeeman from the Democratic ticket to represent Northumberland County.
"Bill" is a former Treasurer and Sheriff of Northumberland County so that he is well known all over the district. In Mount Carmel he is particularly well known.
Shively is a Mount Carmel boy. He spent a great part of his life here, the most active part of his life. Possessed of but one arm "Bill" was one of the best baseball pitchers, fielders and hitters ever to play here. In football he was a halfback and also played full back and did the kicking for his club. He was also a wing shot of great ability.
Larry, Thanks for posting these articles about my Uncle. I'm very close to completing my Shively Family ancestry going back to Germany in the early 1700's. My Shively Family emanating from Lykens, PA was inflicted by a terrible toll in the Anthracite Coal Mines of Northeast Pennsylvania. My Grandfather, Great Grandfather, a number of Uncles and Great Uncles and my half-brother were killed in the mining industry.
ReplyDeleteThank you for all you do for the Shively surname.
Greg Shively