This site was created by Larry Shively who is researching the history of the Shively families. The goal is to have a site where all Shively researchers can share and ask questions in regards to their Shively lines. The largest majority of the Shively family records are located in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. There are early records of Shively's also in Virginia and Kentucky. There are not many established Shively lineages back to Europe. There are documented lineages to Switzerland and Germany. Through the sharing of information from all of our research it is desired that all can learn about our Shively families.

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Joel Shively And Elizabeth Penrod Who Lived In St. Joseph County, Indiana

Joel Shively was born on 8-Oct-1826 in Stark County, OH and died on 5-Mar-1898 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, IN.  He was married on 5-Jun-1851 in Wayne County, OH to Elizabeth Penrod. Elizabeth was born on 29-Aug-1829 in Berlin, Somerset County, PA and died on 1-Dec-1901 in South Bend, St. Joseph County, IN.

Joel Shively was the son of George Shively who was born on 19-Aug-1796 in Washington County, PA and died on 9-Jun-1879 in St. Joseph County, IN and Elizabeth Snider who was born on 2-May-1800 in Bedford County, PA and died on 25-Nov-1872 in Kosciusko County, IN. George Shively was the son of Jacob Isaac Shively who was born ca. 1767 in Frederick County, MD and died 23-Nov-1814 in Nimishillen, Stark County, OH and Barbara Thomas.

On the 1850 Canaan Township, Wayne County, OH is the household of Christopher Kesler age 22 carpenter, Israel Irvin age 19, Jacob Chup ate 21, John Scott age 18, William Gant age 21, Joel Shiveley age 24, Hiram Walton age 20 and Susanna Walton age 22. Listed on the 1860 Penn Township, St. Joseph County, IN census is the family of Joel Shively age 33, wife Elizabeth age 31, daughter Rebecca age 5, son Franklin age 2, son Aaron age 1, Delila Yoder age 16 and farm laborer Frederick Warner age 21. The next entry on the census is George Shively age 63 and wife Elizabeth age 60. Located on the 1870 Penn Township, St. Joseph County, IN census are Joel Shively age 42, wife Elizabeth age 40, daughter Rebecca age 15, daughter Catharine age 6, son Frank age 13, son Aaron age 11 and son Christian age 16.  On the 1880 Penn Township, St. Joseph County, IN are Joel Shively age 53, wife Elizabeth age 50, daughter Rebecca J. age 25, son Franklin age 23,  son Aaron age 21, son Christian age 19 and daughter Kittie age 15. On the 1900 South Bend City, Precinct One of Ward Seven, St. Joseph County, IN is the household of Elizabeth Shively born Aug-1829 age 70 widowed, son Christian C. born Jul-1861 age 38, dauther Catharine born Feb-1864 age 36 and servant Lizzie Culp born Mar-1878 age 22. 

The following newspaper obituary was found in The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana, Monday, March 7, 1898, Page 1, Columns 5-6:
Rev. Joel Shively
The Rev. Joel Shively, who had been a resident of St. Joseph county for nearly 50 years, died at his residence, 1071 Vistula avenue, at 12:25 o'clock Sunday morning. The cause of death was gastritis or catarrh of the stomach, with which he was taken last September. Up to that time he had never been seriously ill since an attack of scarlet fever at the age of 14.
The disease caused him no pain or suffering, but he constantly grew weaker until Feb. 21, when he took to his bed. In spite of all efforts to arrest the progress of the disease he continued failing in strength and passed away without a struggle or symptom of pain. He was conscious to the last. When he first became conscious to of his growing weakness and the character of his desease he expressed grave doubts of his recovery and calmly and resignedly awaited the end.
Joel Shively was born in Starke county, Ohio, Oct. 9, 1826, the son of Rev. George and Elizabeth Shively, the former a native of Washington county, Pa., and the latter of Beford county, Pa. He was united in marriage with Elizabeth Penrod June 5, 1851, at Golden Corners, Wayne county, Ohio, and came to Indiana in 1854 and settled in the east part of St. Joseph county, near Osceola. He learned the carpenter trade at the age of 17 and followed it for over 30 years and his life had been one of incessant activity and hard work. After quitting carpenter work he followed farming until two years ago last October, when he removed to the Vistual avenue residence in this city. Mr. Shively united with the German Baptist church in 1854 and was ordained a minister in that church in 1857. He continued his services as a minister until rendered in capable by illness and had been a presiding elder for the past 18 years. Among his last services was officiating at the funeral of his old neighbor and friend, Jacob Linderman, of Penn township, on Nov. 27 last. His widow and five children survive him. The children are Mrs. Rebecca Kindig, of Elkhart county; Hon Benjamin F. Shively, Aaron B. Shively and Christian C. Shively, of South Bend, and Katherine Shively, who is now enroute home from California.
Brief services will be held at the residence on Thursday at 11 a.m., burial from the Osceola chapel at 2 p.m.

Extracted from The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, IN, Friday, March 11, 1898, Page 1, Column 4:
The funeral of the late Rev. Joel Shively took place yesterday. Brief services were conducted at the house, on Vistula avenue, by Elder H. W. Krieghbaum, and at 2 p.m. regular services were held in the church at Osceola, wher Elder Krieghbaum was assisted by Elder Miller, of Elkhart. The attendance was large and a long procession followed the remains to the Osceola cemtery.

Copied from The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, IN, Friday, December 6, 1901, Page 5, Column 5:
The Mortuary Record
Mrs. Elizabeth Shively
Mrs. Elizabeth Shively, one of the best known residents of this city,, died at 12:30 o'clock this morning at her residence, 1071 Vistual avenue. The funeral services will be held at the German Baptist chapel, at Osceola, on Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock.
Elizabeth Shively was born near Stoystown, Somerset county, Pennsylvania. In 1850 she removed to Golden Corners, Wayne county, Ohio, where on June 5, 1851, she was united in marriage with the late Rev. Joel Shively, who died March 6, 1898. Mr. and Mrs. Shively were the parents of eight children, three of whom preceded then in death and five of whom are still living. The surviving children are Mrs. Rebecca Kindig,, of Elkhart county, Hon. Benjamin F. Shively, Aaron B. Shively, Christian C.  Shively and Miss Katherine Shively, of this city. 
Mrs. Shively came with her husband to Indiana in 1854 and settled in St. Joseph county, near Osceola, where they resided until in October, 1895, when removed to their Vistula avenue residence in this city. In 1854 the deceased united with the German Baptist church in which she remained in earnest membership and communion through all her subsequent life.
The deceased was a sufferer from inflammatory and chronic rheumatism for over 40 years. During the last 17 years she was unable to walk and during the last 10 years was unable to raise her hands or administer her own food. The immediate cause of her death was congestion of the lungs, superinduced by complications growing out of her rheumatic afflictions.
Mrs. Shively was a woman of remarkable force and fortitude of character. During all the years of her suffering she was the most cheerful member of the family, and until within 24 hours of her death was the directing mind in all the details of the household management. Her life was a constant exemplification of industry, patience, fortitude, charity and unfaltering christian faith. In her death her children lose an ever loving and devoted mother and the community an earnest, sincere, useful christian life. In her last hours she was free from pain and death came as a gentle sleep.

This article was found in The South Bend Tribune, South Bend, Indiana, Thursday, December 12, 1901, page 7, Column 2:
Mrs. Shively's Will
Property Is Bequeathed To Her Five Children
The will of the late Mrs. Elizabeth Shively has been admitted to probate. By its provisions Miss Kittie Shively, her daughter, is bequeated $300 and her son, Christopher C. Shively, $500 in cash. The residue of the property, both real and personal, is bequeathed to her children, Hon. B. F. Shively, Rebecca Kindig, Aaron B. Shively, C. C. Shively and Kittie Shively, to be equally divided among them.

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