This site was created by Larry Shively who is researching the history of the Shively families. The goal is to have a site where all Shively researchers can share and ask questions in regards to their Shively lines. The largest majority of the Shively family records are located in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. There are early records of Shively's also in Virginia and Kentucky. There are not many established Shively lineages back to Europe. There are documented lineages to Switzerland and Germany. Through the sharing of information from all of our research it is desired that all can learn about our Shively families.
Showing posts with label Price Roach. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Price Roach. Show all posts

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Mollie Allene Shively Lewis, Daughter Of Lloyd Shively And Mattie Hubbard, From Taylor County, KY To Jefferson County, KY

John Q. Shively Death Certificate
A descendant of Mollie Allene Shively requested the help of the Shively researchers to see if additional information could be found. Mollie Allene Shively was born 1-Jan-1921 in Taylor County, KY and died 8-Dec-1977 in Jefferson County, KY. Mollie Shively was the daughter of Lloyd Shively and Mattie Hubbard. Lloyd Shively was born 16-Sep-1891 in Taylor County, KY and died 26-Dec-1930 in Taylor County, KY. He was buried in Miller Cemetery. Lloyd Shively was the son of John Q. Shively and Mollie Carlile. John Q. Shively was born ca. 1850 and died 31-Jul-1914 in Taylor County, KY. He was buried in Miller Cemetery. The death certificate for John Q. Shively lists that his parents were unknown.  This is a problem many researchers working on African American genealogies encounter. An attempt to find further information on the parents of John Q. Shively, who was most likely born in slavery, was done and the following information might be used as a guide for further research.

In the early history of Green and Taylor County, KY it is known that there were 3 Caucasian Shively males who established families in the area.  The men were Jacob Shively, John Shively and Michael Shively.  Some of the descendants of these men did own land which was worked by slaves.  Jacob Shively married Sophia Davis. They had a son, John W. Shively who was married on 24-Aug-1843 in Green County, KY to Mary Jane Roach.  Mary Jane Shively was the daughter of Price Roach.  Price Roach is listed on the 1850 District No. 2, Green County, KY slave schedule with 25 slaves. His daughter, Mary Jane Roach Shively, died ca. 1846, but she and John W. Shively did have a son born who was Price R. Shively and daughter Sally W Shively.

Barbara Wright compiled and published many of the Green County, KY records. Located in her Abstracts Of Circuit Court Cases, Volume 17 is located additional information regarding the Price and Shively history.  From Circuit Case #188, 21-Nov-1865, John W. Shively, Guardian for Price R. Shively and G. W. Buchanan vs. Petition to sell land: John W. Shively as guardian for his son, Price R. Shively an infant under 21 years and George W. Buchanan and his wife, Sally W. Buchanan (late Sally W. Shively) state that Price Roach departed this life in Green County, Kentucky leaving as his only heirs at law John J. Roach, Thomas G. Roach and the children of Mary Shively, deceased (late Mary Roach) to wit: Price R. Shively and Sally W. Shively, now Sally W. Buchanan. The case continues to describe the land owned.

From the Report of Comm 22-Nov-1865:
W. B. Carlile, F. P. Gaines and J. J. Roach, Comm appointed by the court report under oath that the following is a correct report of the real and personal estate of the infant Price R. Shively, to wit:
One slave named Rhoda valued at $25.00
One slave named Betty valued at $25.00
One slave named John valued at $25.00
One slave named Sally valued at $25.00
And one equal undivided half of 266 1/2 acres of land in Green County on Green River valued at ____ and that the yearly profits of the estate is nothing.  That the interest of the infant does require the sale of the undivided half of the tract of 266 1/2 acres of land upon the terms set out in the petition. 

Rhoda Shively is located on the 1870 Precinct No. 1 Green County, KY census. She is listed  in the household of Cezar Griffin age 55, Black.  Listed is Rhoda Shively age 50 Black, John Shively age 21 Black works on farm and Sallie age 14 Black.  John Shively is listed as age 21 which would mean he was born about 1850 which matches the information on the death certificate for John Q. Shively.  The relationship between Rhoda Shively and John Shively has not been proven and will require further research.

Newspaper obituaries for Mollie A. Shively and her husband Leevi Smith were found in the Louisville newspapers.  Extracted from The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, Saturday, December 10, 1977, Page 5, Column 5:
Mrs. Mollie A. Smith, 56, of 4106 Vermont Ave., died at 8:10 p.m. Thursday at the Veterans Administration Hospital. She was the former Mollie Shively, a native of Campbellsville, and was a food service employee at Veterans Administration Hospital.
Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Carrie Woods of Indianapolis, Mrs. Rose Stafford and Mrs. Peggie Thompson; three sons, Lloyd K. Smith of Indianapolis, Norman and Donnell Flippins; 18 grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.
The funeral will be at 1 p.m. Tuesday at the Christ Temple Apostolic Church, 45th Street and Greenwood Avenue, with burial in Highland Memory Gardens.
The body will be at A. D. Porter & Sons Funeral Home, 1300 W. Chestnut St., after 6 p.m. Saturday.

Located in The Courier-Journal, Louisville, Kentucky, Monday, June 27, 1977, Page 8, Column 5:
Leevi Smith, 64, of 607 W. Breckinridge St., died at 7 a.m. Saturday at his home. He was a native of Campbellsville and a veteran of World War II.
Survivors include his wife, the former Mollie Shively; a son, Lloyd K. Smith of Indianapolis, Ind.; two daughters, Mrs. Carrie Woods of Indianapolis, and Mrs. Rose Stafford, and 10 grandchildren.
The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at A.D. Porter & Sons Funeral Home, 1300 W. Chestnut St., with burial in Highland Memory Garden.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Dilcy Ann Bailey And Aaron Shively Who Lived In Taylor And Green County, Kentucky

Marriage Of  Dilcy Bailey & Aaron Shively
The Civil War Widow's Pension File for Dilcy Bailey Cox Shively is a valuable file for the genealogist in that it contains approximately 250 pages of information.  The African Americans mentioned in these files lived in Taylor and Green County in Kentucky.  Dilcy Ann Bailey was first married to George Cox in Taylor County, Kentucky on 15-November-1857.  George Cox  served as a private in the 108 Regiment, Company D, US Colored Infantry.  George Cox died on the 20-May-1866 in Green County, KY from Camp Diarrhea he contacted at Vicksburg, Mississippi.  Dilcy married second to Aaron Shively in Green County, KY on 29-December-1870.  Aaron Shively served as a private in Company F of the 125th US Colored Infantry.

Some of the history of Dilcy Bailey and Aaron Shively are best told in their own words:
Case of Aaron Shively--On the 6th day of October, 1897 at National Military Home, County of Grant, State of Indiana, before me, Chas. E. Paul, a special examiner of the pension file, personally appeared Aaron Shively, who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to him during this special examination of aforesaid pension claim, eposes and says:  I am 50 years of age; occupation, common laborer.  I am at present an inmate of the National Military Home, Grant County, Ind.  I was born a slave near Roachville, Green County, Kentucky.  I first was owned by Price Roach; after his death I became the possession of John Wesley Shively and was with him for a least ten years before my enlistment.  Ben Wakefield, Caesar Cox, Natkins Motley and Hanover Williams knew me long before service and were raised in the vicinity of Roachville, Green County, Kentucky.  They also knew me after my service until about 1873 as we all went back near Roachville and farmed for six years after the war.  I enlisted in April, 1865 in Co F, 125th US Colored Vol. Inf., served as Private, and was discharged about Dec 23, 1867.  I had no other service. I am pensioned for chronic diarrhea and piles under the new law at $12 per month.  I am pensioned un the old law for the same disabilities.  I now claim additional pension under the old law for sore mouth, loss of teeth, affliction of eyes and hearing.  My left ear and left eye are most affected. I claim no other disabilities and had no other disabilities in service but the diarrhea and piles.  I think upon recollection that I also had a pain in my left side from a strain while lifting a wagon in service. That happened in 1866 while we took provisions across the plains from Leavenworth, Kansas to the Rio Grande river in New Mexico (Fort Selden).  There is a pinch in my side and I have worn a truss or belt for it ever since the war.  Before the war I had no sickness that I recall but chills and fever.  I worked on the plantation of John Wesley Shively before the war and also worked for him about three years after the time I was discharged.  At my examination at enlistment I was stripped and my sight and hearing were tested.  There were several doctors and I was rolled around and measured and also had my teeth examined.    The first disease I had in service was diarrhea shortly after my enlistment and while we were at Louisville, Ky.  I had this off and on during the rest of my service.  Also had piles.  I next contracted small pox at Cairo, Ill. about New Year 1866.  Some said I had varioloid.  I was placed in Hospital No. One at Cairo, Ill......

Case of Dilcy A. Shively--On this 8 day of May, 1907, at Greensburg, Count of Green, State of Ky., before me, H. B. Swearingen, a special examiner of the Bureau of Pensions, personally appeared Dilcey A. Shively, who being by me first duly sworn to answer truly all interrogatories propounded to her during this special examination of aforesaid claim for pension, deposes and says:  I am 66 years of age, my post-office address is Greensburg, Green Co., Ky.  I do not do anything any more.  I have paralysis and have to depend on my friends for my living.  I was a slave belonged to Grief Bailey.  He lived in Taylor Co. between here and Campbellsville.  I was married to George Cox.  We had the consent of our owners to marry and were married in my mother's cabin.  My master and mistress gave us a wedding supper and my young mistress Mary Ellen Bailey set the table.  My husband belonged to Mr. Fred Cox who lived about 4 miles from us and after our marriage he would come to our place Saturday night and go back Monday morning.  I had two children before the war but they are both dead.  I was 15 years old when I married and it was 5 years before the war.  George Cox went to the Army and was gone a year and a half.  He came home the first of April and died the third Sunday in May following.  I stayed at Mr. Baileys while he was gone but when he came home from the Army he took me to Mr. Cox's place and died there.  He was sick with Camp diarrhea when he came home and died of that disease.  He belonged to Co. D, 108 USC Inft.  After Cox died I went to Tinsley Webster's and was there till I remarried.  Webster lived on Winston Anderson's place and while I was there I worked in the field.  One of my children died before the war but the other one Jimmie lived until 3 years ago.  He drew pension after my remarriage till he was 16 years old.  Aaron Shively had belonged to John Shively prior to the war and was a soldier in the War.  He was in the 125 Regt but I do not know what Company.  Five years after George Cox died I married Aaron Shively.  He passed for a young man but I had known him only a year when we married so I knew only by what I heard that he had not been married before.  I lived with Aaron a little better than 3 years.  He lived at Mr. Shively's place one year and there went to John M. Robinson's place. We made 2 crops there and then Aaron left me.  He went off with my sister Mary Catherine Bailey.  I do not know where they went but I heard they went across the Ohio River.  He sold all our things.  We had three horses and 6 hogs and he sold them all.  My sister was staying with me then they went away together.  My sister came back within two years.  She wrote to ____ for money to come back on.  She had a child about a year old when she came back.  She afterwards married Archie Ward and died at Lebanon.  I have never seen Aaron since he ran off that time.  I got a divorce from him about a year ago.  I never tried to get a divorce till I heard that I could get my pension back.  I never married after Aaron left me and never lived with any man as his wife.  I had two children by Aaron Shively, but one of these is dead.  I have only one child living, Bertha J., wife of Jerry White.  No, Sir, I never tried to get a divorce till last year.  He never tried to get a divorce from me that I know of.  I have never heard from him in any way, shape, nor form.  No, I did not know my attorney found him when he got my divorce.  After Aaron left me I had to make my living the best way I could.  I worked in the field and washed and ironed and cooked.  I have lived right within neighborhood all the time except one year that I lived near Lebanon.  I was paralyzed 6 years ago and since then have not been able to do anything.  I lived for a while with my son in law Jerry White in Taylor Co. and he put me on the County and got pay for keeping me but within County my friends here kept me for nothing.  I have heard this read, have understood your questions and my answers are correctly recorded.